Good News That Actually Is

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The New You

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The New You

Are you aware that there’s more to you than meets the eye?

2Corinthians 5:16  Therefore, from now on, we regard no one according to the flesh. Even though we have known Christ according to the flesh, yet now we know Him thus no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

Paul is saying there was a time when they knew Jesus according to the flesh, but now Jesus is to be known supernaturally.  Jesus was raised from the dead supernaturally, Jesus ascended into heaven supernaturally, and Jesus is seated at the right hand of the throne supernaturally.

There is nothing ordinary about Jesus, which means nothing is ordinary about you!

The life we are called to live in Christ will prove impossible if all we can see ourselves as being is what we are in the natural.  When all we can see is ourselves according to our mortal life, we struggle with the supernatural opportunities the Holy Spirit wants to bring us into.

It is essential that you see yourself according to the new you!

You are now a supernatural being endued with power from on high.  You have Jesus living inside you, and you are to walk filled with the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit enables you to both to will and to do of God’s good pleasure!  This is why nothing is impossible to him who believes!  The central question we all must answer is, whose report will we believe?

Here’s something to consider:  If your doctor tells you you have a condition, you believe him.  He can even suggest that you allow him to use a very sharp instrument to cut you open on a table, and you’ll let him.  Why? You recognize that his knowledge about such things is superior to your own; thus, you heed his report and place your trust in Him as one who knows better than you.  It is humility that enables you to submit yourself to someone wiser.

How many people have themselves or know someone who trusted their life to a finite human being, as capable as we are of making a mistake, yielding a surgical knife to do a procedure on them?

No one thinks that is weird or strange.  Why, then, should you or anyone else think it is strange or weird when you heed the words of the wisest Being when He declares you are a supernaturally born new creation whose origins are now from heaven?  Whose report will you believe?

Should it be easier to trust a person with a degree and a surgery scapula than to trust the Almighty God who loves and cares for you?

Authentic Biblical Humility knows whose opinion matters most.  It is open to agreeing with it and stands in the confidence it has to offer.  It is willing to be surprised by the Holy Spirit anytime and anywhere.   True humility puts trust in Someone greater and takes them at their word.

God says you can do anything He says you can do.  God has called you His own greatly loved and blessed you.  The Bible declares that you are a joint heir with Jesus!  You have the same Holy Spirit Jesus had!  You have been given abundant life in Christ!  Jesus said you would do greater things than He did!  You are supernatural and not of this world.

It is not an act of humility to put yourself down or to be so in touch with your natural inabilities and challenges that you debate with God over whom He says you are and what He says you can do. You are a New Creation!  You are the temple of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you!  I invite you to consider what Jesus declared about you.

Matthew 11:11 “Assuredly, I say to you, among those born of women there has not risen one greater than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he.

Luke 7:28 For I say to you, among those born of women there is not a greater prophet than John the Baptist; but he who is least in the kingdom of God is greater than he.”

We are not of this world any longer.  We are in it, but not of it.  We have been indued with power from on high.  The Holy Spirit does not just come upon us; He lives in us.  Christ dwells in us!  We are walking Presence carriers.  God is with us wherever we go!

When you look in the mirror today, say good morning to Jesus and thank the Holy Spirit for dwelling in the temple you are looking at.  Do not see yourself according to your flesh in that mirror.  See yourself according to how God defines you and be who He says you are!  You can do all things through Christ today!  You can live as the supernatural new creation Christ made you!  You have the Holy Spirit empowering you to live as a heavenly citizen here on this earth!  Don’t be limited by what you see in the natural about yourself.  Know who you are and whose you are.  Have a grace-filled, blessed, and wonderful day!