What Can You See?


It is said that necessity is the mother of invention.  If you think about it long enough, you realize that necessity gives birth to imagination.  Imagination allows you to see a solution that does not yet exist but can be pulled into existence if pursued.

Every amazing cutting-edge invention began in someone’s imagination, although it did not yet exist.  Anytime someone has used their imagination to invent something amazing, it has been widely accepted as being normal and celebrated whenever this has happened.

I remember when phones were on the wall with either a rotary dial or push buttons to call a number and talk with someone.  At that point in history, the thought of walking around with one anywhere in the world or being able to have one on your wrist was science fiction.

But at some point, someone imagined the possibility of making such a thing, and we are utilizing them today.  Twenty years ago, who would have thought you would be able to walk around with a powerful computer on your hip, in your pocket, or on your wrist?

But today, millions of people are doing just that because someone imagined it was possible at a point when it seemed impossible.  Today we all take it for granted.

The pharmaceutical industry has become one of the largest industries in the world today.  It has become that because it has been successful in getting people to believe in something they cannot see but will place their trust in with the hope that it will do what has been promised to them.

They were not there to see it made and know exactly what ingredients were put into it.  They are taking the word of someone they have never met and has never met them, so there is no personal connection involved.  It is not your mom or dad, uncle or aunt, cousin or good friend making the medicine.  Strangers are doing it based on a formula from researchers who are strangers to you.  Yet bottles are purchased and the contents taken with an expectation that they will do what has been promised.

No one thinks this is strange.  People speak of taking medicine with great hope and do not expect to be ridiculed by others for their faith in it.  No one thinks having an expectation is anything weird or strange.

So why do so many think having expectations about spiritual promises is strange?  Why is it such a challenge to speak confidently about what has been promised by a reliable God who cannot lie and is all-powerful?  Why isn’t it considered just as normal to imagine God doing something He has promised that is not yet seen and speaking about it as though it is already done?

The Holy Spirit is now moving to restore Biblical faith in the church and advance the work of Christ, and we can partner with Him in it if we believe it is true.

Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for. 3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.

Biblical faith is built on the reputation of God Himself.  Faith’s foundations rest on God’s immutable character and nature.  It is fueled by the promises He has given based on His being God and capable of seeing to it that what He has spoken, He will do.

But who will take Him at His word when it says something that isn’t yet seen in the natural?  Who will boldly speak about it as though it is as sure as if it were already done and visible in the natural?

Those who worship rationality and intellectualism reject this idea as being fantasy and out of touch with reality as they know it.  Therefore they miss out on the opportunity to partner with the Holy Spirit, who is commissioned to make the word spoken by God and not yet seen become a thing of reality.

Jesus said, “I do what I see the Father doing,” which resulted in many miracles.  He also said, “I speak what I hear my Father speaking.”  It resulted in claims that many struggled with because it was not yet witnessed or believed to be true by some people.

Scripture testifies now that all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ.  God has made promises He plans to keep, He spoke them out already, and the Holy Spirit is ready to bring them to pass in the lives of those who will believe and trust even though they cannot yet be seen.  Can you stand to be blessed?  Are you ready to lay hold on things unseen and speak as though they are?  Faith isn’t waiting for it to manifest before it is believed and spoken of.  Faith speaks and believes before any manifestation has occurred.  I encourage you to let yourself imagine the impossible with God today.  What can you see that no one else can right now?

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.


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