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The Emptiness Of Entitlement

Entitlement is the belief that one inherently deserves privileges or special treatment based on merit.

Many things can lead to this type of thinking on the part of anyone.  This is especially true when life is viewed from a performance perspective.  When we approach most things from a position of having earned a right or being born with certain rights, it can sometimes create complications.

Sometimes, people can have expectations based on these ideologies about their relationships.  That is when things can get complicated because it can pave the way for needless offenses.  An improper view of entitlement can destroy relationships because it takes things for granted and threatens any thankfulness for the real situation.

Entitlement can cloud context.  It can create such a fog around the real context that it obscures clarity and leads to wrong assumptions that can turn friends into foes.

It is in the area of expectations that entitlement can get sketchy.  A person experiencing an attitude of entitlement may expect something from another person to which the other person has no clue.  When they fail to deliver what the one with an attitude of entitlement expects, accusations arise, and claims of not being loved, appreciated, or cared for can erupt. The one on the other end of these unknown expectations is blindsided and often left confused as to what they did in the first place.

The person offended due to their entitlement attitude is left feeling empty, having not realized what they expected, and now causing distance in a relationship meant to have value.

The truth is, no one owes me anything.  I have done nothing for anyone that obligates them to meet my expectations on some level.  God gets to set all the expectations for us in life.  We do not get to set them and bind them on others as though we are God.

It can become difficult to be offended when you give up the right to bind others to certain expectations.  The ability to vilify another person based on them not meeting your personal expectations of them dies and can no longer hinder your relationships.

It is possible to bring this attitude into one’s relationship with God.  Numerous people have needlessly suffered in their relationship with God because of a sense of entitlement arising from a works mentality.  They had been on their best behavior, complying with lists of does and don’ts, and then they had something they desired very badly, and without checking with God about the desire, they simply expected God to meet it exactly the way they determined it should be met.  They became offended with God when it did not come the way they prescribed and expected or in the expected time frame.

An entitlement attitude is very common where the New Covenant grace gospel is mixed with law.  Entitlement attitudes are commonplace when works are given the highest priority, and all rewards are attached to such works.  This is why getting the gospel right, getting the gospel in, and getting the gospel out is of such great importance to all believers in Jesus.  If you are wrestling with an entitlement attitude that has led to being easily offended by others, ask the Holy Spirit to lead you into a clearer revelation and understanding of the gospel of grace.  He will graciously and powerfully assist you with finding the freedom Christ died to give to you.

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