
Assumption - a thing that is accepted as true or as certain to happen without proof.

The root word in assumption is assume, which is defined - supposed to be the case without proof.

It is possible to mistake assumption for faith.  I have even seen people argue based on assumption as though it were fact.  Such a practice can be foolish.

The kingdom of God operates based on faith, not assumptions.  Faith has its solid grounding in what is most real: God Himself.  Faith is rooted in what is not seen but yet hoped for because faith knows that eternal things that are unseen are more real than those things that can be seen.  It is not an assumption that believers will go to heaven. It is a fact.

It is not an assumption that one must be born again just to be able to see the kingdom of God.  Jesus spoke that very clearly to Nicodemus.

I have been one who has made the mistake of trusting in an assumption before and later regretted it.  Assumptions can be very humbling and very disappointing.  Assumptions can be dangerous to relationships, too.

When we make an assumption about someone instead of going to them with a desire to know their heart and hear their side of something, we do err greatly and run the risk of embarrassment later on when the facts truly come out.

If we step out in something based on assumption rather than true faith in God, we will regret such a decision when it does not work out how we thought it would.

Assuming has a way of humbling us, but the process generally takes a little time.  It also only works in humbling us if we are teachable and desire to grow and mature.  Assuming can also send a person deeper into their pride if their only goal is to be considered as being right no matter what.

The desire to be right is a trait common to all human beings.  No one wants to be wrong.  That in and of itself is not bad or evil.  But suppose it works against us by interfering with our ability to learn something and avoid falling prey to assumptions. In that case, it becomes something that is harmful and unprofitable to us.

Assuming things about situations, people, the future, etc, is never a healthy practice.  If we desire to know something, it is always beneficial to go to the source.  Only by going to the source can you find out the facts without prejudice and then draw a conclusion about it.  Rushing to an assumption leads to errors that eventually are regrettable.  It can also hurt someone innocent of what is being assumed and possibly spoken concerning them.

Even God has experienced false accusations against Him based on assumptions instead of true faith.  Someone assumed something and made a decision based on it, thinking God was obligated to back an assumption, and when it did not work, they accused God of being unfaithful.  They failed to put in any effort with humility in discovering who He is and His ways and then assumed He would do something with no basis other than an assumption to go on.

Getting the truth and finding the facts in context will always serve us better than drawing assumptions.  Assuming comes easier and is far less involved, for sure.  But the fruit of it is rotten.  I encourage you always to avoid the snare of assumption.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

The Emptiness Of Entitlement


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