The Beauty Of Light

Can you imagine what things would be like without light, only darkness?

Some people struggle greatly every winter due to the shorter days of light.  I personally do not like the less daylight scenario.

In my state, there is a cave you can pay to visit.  In it, there is a lake with fish.  The fish are all blind.  If you visit the cave, they will briefly turn out all the lights so you can experience absolute darkness.  They do not leave them off very long because such darkness can affect the eyes.  You see, your eyes need some measure of light, or they will overwork themselves to find it, which can lead to blindness.  That is what happened to the fish in that cave.

You and I need light in our natural, emotional, and spiritual lives.  To be trapped in darkness is not a good thing.

There are different types of light sources in life.  In the natural we have the sun and the moon, flashlights, electrical lights, LED lights, fire lights, and so on.  In our souls, we have the light of knowledge and understanding.  There is also the light of nothing hidden within our thoughts that should not be allowed there.  In our spirit, we do not possess light until revelation from the Holy Spirit makes us aware of Jesus Christ, and we believe and receive His life.  Without Him, we do not have light in our spirit because our spirit is dead in sin.  Jesus is the life, and that life is the light of men.

2 Corinthians 4:6 For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

We have discovered that light has power.  Some lasers can cut through metal and other hard materials.  A laser is energy produced when highly intense light is passed through a specific magnifier, which intensifies and focuses it.

As kids, we all probably remember playing with magnifying glasses on a sunny day and igniting paper or a leaf by putting the glass at a certain angle to where it focused a fine, tight beam of light onto the object, and the heat from it caused it to break into a flame.

Hearts on fire spiritually work by the same principle.  When the intense light of Christ is shone upon our hearts and washes over our souls, we find our love for Him increased and our passion for knowing Him and walking with Him enlarged as well.

His light is beautiful because it reveals to our hearts that nothing we are struggling with is meant to be our master, so keeping it hidden in the shadows of our souls, away from the light of truth and love in Christ, is unnecessary.  When things contrary to the truth in Christ come into our souls, we can be free of them and rid them of their power by simply bringing them into the light by exposing them.  We can do this because the sting of shame is removed by His grace, mercy, and love revealed on the cross.   Our soul and flesh struggles cannot remove His love from us.  He already paid for everything we might encounter and end up doing.

To avoid bondage to something, bring it into beautiful light!  It is safe to do it when we know His grace and love as we should.  If we have come to know the beautiful light of His life and truth, it empowers us to be children of light ourselves. We no longer need to protect our reputations by hiding the things transpiring in our lives, whether good or bad.

He loves me even when I blow it!  The quicker I get my struggle into the light, the quicker it is made powerless to take hold of me. This is why the Scripture says,

James 5:16 Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.

Fellowship that is deep, meaningful, and healing to the soul occurs when this is a common practice among believers.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

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