Shed The Weight

Sometimes, the weight of what others might think will lead us to carry a weight too great for ourselves that is not God-ordained for us.  In other words, we become burdened by what we think others might think.

What are some examples of weight?  Well, the most likely heaviest one is associated with people.  Moses was tasked with leading Israel out of Egypt to a promised land.  While in the wilderness, it became clear this generation would struggle with trusting God, and their issues would be many as they journeyed in the wilderness.  They were coming to Moses for all sorts of things.  Eventually, after seeing this unfold, Moses’ father-in-law respectfully and graciously approached Moses and suggested he appoint other leaders strategically to handle various matters and filter what came to Moses.  It was a brilliant idea.  Moses adopted it, and his progress was once again up to speed as it should be.  But let’s never forget that Moses could not take them into the promised land.  Moses did not get to go in, either.

No one is meant to become another savior in someone's life.  We are, however, meant to point others to the Savior.  There is a difference.  You and I cannot change someone from the inside out.  That is the work of the Holy Spirit, and our greater effort is not a magic bullet to bring them to the spiritual reality they need to get to.  We must put our confidence in the work of the Spirit instead of our own work.  Naturally, we are meant to partner with the Holy Spirit, speak truth in love, meet needs when appropriate, etc.  But we do not do the saving and rescuing.  We can’t take credit when the Spirit of God works in someone's life. We can say we were glad He let us partner with Him, but we cannot say it was because of what we did.

Another weight involves worry about situations and circumstances.  We sometimes claim we are standing in faith when, in fact, we are inwardly worrying and stressing, and such instances are great weights.  It is far better to be honest with ourselves and others so we can ask for the Holy Spirit’s help regarding what we need.  Walking in the light is a healthy part of our process as we grow in Him.  Grace makes it possible, too!

Please consider what I am about to say: not only is it impossible to affect change in yourself when you worry about yourself, but it is equally impossible to affect change in someone else just because you worry about them.  This is a majorly heavy weight many believers carry daily.  But it doesn’t have to be that way.

The passage in Hebrews tells us to lay aside every weight and the sin that so easily besets us.  Sin easily ensnares, but weight can be subtle.  When we are overloaded, it means we aren’t casting things onto the Lord and coming away with His peace.  That can move us into the sin of unbelief that ensnares us.  Unbelief hinders us from laying hold on the promises meant to keep us aware of our connection with His divine nature. It disrupts fellowship with Him and others.

Weight is meant to drive us into His arms, not a greater resolve on our part to fix, rescue, or work harder.  If we head in the wrong direction in response to the weight, we open the door to unbelief.  How?  It can be very discouraging to work hard, sacrifice greatly, and spend yourself immensely over a weight you have embraced and see nothing coming of it.  Whatever Jesus gives us is meant to bear fruit and will bear fruit.  We should ask ourselves what fruit is being produced in our lives.  Is it the fruit of the Spirit and indicative of God with us?  Or is it the fruit of our own plans?

John 15:7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you. 8 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.

When the weight we bear results from abiding in Him, it is a proper weight.  It is a burden He intends to bring fruit from.

We should always bear in mind what Jesus said,

Matthew 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.”

His burden is light.  The weight He gives does not slow us down or stop us in our tracks because it comes with enabling grace that empowers us to carry it as if it were a feather.  It’s long-distance designed.  To be yoked with Jesus means He is bearing the strain of the load and just allowing us to be in the yoke with Him about it.  His yoke is easy, and His burden is light.  If the weight you carry is mentally exhausting, slowing you down, or stopping you, it isn’t what He gave you. It is one you took up yourself.  What He gives might seem hard initially, but we discover joy when we know we are yoked to Him.  We are to look to Him!  He started our faith and will finish it! To progress significantly with the Lord, you must lay aside every weight and the sin and look to Him!  Lay aside every weight and be yoked to Him!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

The Beauty Of Light


The Goal