Good News That Actually Is

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Powerful Backup

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Romans 8:31 What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?

When I was younger my older brother Mark was considered a really big guy and he could be intimidating to people.  He is four and a half years older than I am and when you are in middle or junior high school, that is a really big deal.  I remember we lived in an apartment complex and there were older boys who liked to bully the younger ones.  Some of the older boys were much bigger than the rest of us especially my younger brother Scott.  One day an older boy was treating Scott really bad and Scott told him he was going to tell his older brother about it and the boy laughed and said go tell him.  Scott did and the rest is history.  Mark showed up on the scene and put that older boy in his place really quick, I won’t go into the details on it.  After that the bullying stopped and Scott became bolder than he had ever been.  He knew he had backup that could not be disputed.  Backup that could do what it claimed it could do.

I shared that story to show how that when we know someone powerful is for us we are not as fearful in troubled situations.  The good news is, you do have powerful backup!

You have an elder brother, His name is Jesus and He dismantled the powers and principalities at the cross.  He’s for you, not against you.  Paul said it this way in the Bible in his letter to the Corinthians.  Since we have this hope, we are very bold!  You too can be very bold.

Be encouraged today to step out in faith in whatever He has put into your heart knowing that any attempt to intimidate you will have to go through Him.  He’s got you!  He’s with you!  He’s for you!  Be strong and very courageous, God is on your side!