Never Alone


Earlier this week my lovely wife Sheila and I got took some time to ourselves to go up into the mountains and enjoy some fresh  sunshine and mountain air.

There’s a point where you cross over into the National Park and your phone can no longer get service. There are no towers available to use, so no one can reach you.  It is nice to unplug and just enjoy the sights and sounds of nature together without interruption.

You know while there is a possibility of disconnecting from technology and other sources of disruption and distraction, there is no way I am ever disconnected from the Holy Spirit.  It is possible to be less aware of His presence and availability, but He is definitely with me regardless of how I feel, or think, in a given moment.

If you belong to Christ and have received the Holy Spirit He is with you always.  He will never leave you nor will He ever forsake you.  You will never be abandoned.  You will never be without His help should you want it and need it.   He is ever with you because His presence is with you is based on the obedience of Jesus, not your obedience.  You didn’t do anything to earn His fellowship and faithfulness.  Jesus paid for it already.  That is comforting to know because even the well behaved blow it from time to time, and you need to know that when you do you haven’t scared, or run off the Holy Spirit.  It’s possible to grieve Him but you can never run Him away.  He is with you according to the promise of the Father made long ago based on the obedience of Jesus.

This is why the grace you received in Jesus is so amazing.  His favor given to you has equipped you well beyond your wildest imagination.

Oh the wonder of His grace and the steadfastness of His love!

Be encouraged, the Holy Spirit is just as available to you today as He has ever been.

Paul told the Galatians the Holy Spirit is received and active based on faith, not works.  So rest in Jesus and let your faith bring you to the place of sensing Him afresh today!  He wants to work through you to bless others.  To sense Him at work in you, you need only believe and ask Him for His help today.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Powerful Backup


Distracted By Jesus