Good News That Actually Is

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No Reluctance

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Have you ever been online shopping and found something you were looking for that you knew the value of and when you noticed how ridiculously low priced it was you struggled to say yes to it?

The reluctance to “pull the trigger” so to speak, is rooted in a suspicion of it being real.  It’s just too good to be true.  How, or why, would anyone sell such an item at such a low price when it sells everywhere else for way more than they are saying they would take for it.

We wrestle with things in life due to suspicion much more than we might realize.  Suspicion is the opposite of trust.  If I trust someone I am not suspicious of them.  If I lose trust I become suspicious.  Whenever we are hurt, disappointed or feel let down by someone because what we expected them to be, or to do, that did not come to pass we are prone to lose a measure of trust in them.

I struggle to trust mechanics.  Most people I know say they struggle to find one they can trust.  I’ve been ripped off before by shops claiming to give good service at a reasonable price.  It makes it hard to trust after that happens to you.

Our ability to just respond to them making their promises gets harder and harder each time our expectation fo them is not met.

This phenomenon happens to believers in the call to believe God and take Him at His word.  You see whenever someone has been misled by their own desires and expectations they placed on God, as opposed to discovering more about who He truly is and what He is truly like, they wind up disappointed that things didn’t turn out as they had planned.  When God does not perform according to they misguided idea of Him, they become hurt.  But it is not God who hurt them, it is their reluctance to take the time to get to know the truth concerning Him as opposed to seeing Him only the way they wish to.  It is misguided expectations or notions about Him that complicate things.

For instance, did you know that there is no reluctance in heaven as it pertains to God being Himself and doing all He has actually said He would do?

When our faith and expectation align with who He truly is and what He has truly promised He will do, heaven is not reluctant to see it come to pass.  All the angels and other created beings of heaven trust God and take Him at His word and do whatever He says needs to be, and should be done. They do this with no reluctance.  They do not question His wisdom in it, they simply immediately do whatever He has declared needs to be done.  They know His motives are always perfect.

Reluctance is not a trait of the kingdom of God.  It is a trait of the flesh and of those who live outside the kingdom of God.  God will be who He is to you and I every time.  He will also do according to what He has promised to you or I.  He will be and do without any reluctance on His part.  As a Father who loves us He desires that we get to know Him better so we better understand who He is and what His ways are.  Our reluctance towards His will for our lives will always spring out of a lack of trust, and trust cannot go any further than the truth we’ve come to know concerning Him.

To be led by the Spirit we must grow in this way so we can trust at deeper levels and break free from our suspicions which fuel a reluctance to act.  I encourage you to spend time with each day discovering more about who He truly is according to how He has revealed Himself through Jesus.