Healing, God’s Blueprint


Psalms 139:14 I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made;  Marvelous are Your works, and that my soul knows very well.

After speaking of how amazing it is the God created him the Psalmist calls God’s works marvelous and claims His soul knows it very well.

In other words the Psalmist is convinced of what he has just proclaimed with regard to being fearfully and wonderfully made by God and that God’s works are marvelous.  The question is am I convinced of the same?

I wish to speak to this idea of how we were made and use it to  substantiate the idea that God likes it when we are well and would never wish us to be sick or diseased.

In creating us God made our human bodies capable of fighting off sickness and disease.  Our bodies kick into high gear when they are invaded by a bacteria, virus or other intruder that would make us sick.  Our bodies have an amazing ability to heal when a bone is broken, or we are wounded in some way.

Why would a creator build this into a body if He did not wish that we be whole?

Why create the highest form of creation itself and make it capable of fighting off such things and healing itself if there is no desire for that creation to be well?

Now I challenge you to add to that the idea that God is now a Father to those who come to Him in relationship through Jesus Christ.  I further challenge you to add to that idea the testimony of Scripture time and again revealing how much He is for us and not against us.  Then finally consider how there is not one single testimony in Scripture that reveals Jesus refused to heal anyone who came to Him for healing.  Jesus made it clear He had come to show us the Father and said if we had seen Him we had seen the Father.  The way Jesus treated people in need is how the Father wanted them treated, and it revealed the Father’s compassion and mercy.

Healing is part of God’s Blueprint as is revealed in so many ways.

God can heal you just as easily as He forgave you and made you righteous.  It is by the same means, it is a gift and it works on the basis of faith.   So I speak healing to you today.  I declare that He is not only able to heal you, He is willing.  The One who is the Divine Healer lives within you!  You have been hidden with Him in God.  Stand of the truth of His Healing Blueprint for your life today.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.


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