Good News That Actually Is

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No More Peddle

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Welcome to season twelve and a new day that brings with it new opportunities! It’s Monday! My goal is to put a smile on your face today! Pay close attention to the end of the podcast session for an exciting opportunity.

I was about ten years old living in south Florida and I had a ten speed bike. I could wheelie that bike through three gears all the way around the block. I had done it many times and loved it when people watched me. One day while doing my usual wheelie around the block my front tire came off the bike. In my mind I thought I’ll just ride it to the ditch and be okay to bail off. Well, I didn’t make it to the ditch because I ran out of peddle and as a result my front forks dug into the street throwing me head first over the handle bars. I landed on my chin and slid. When I stood up I noticed blood was running down my shirt and when I lifted my hand to my face it filled with blood and my neighbor came out and took me in her house to get me cleaned up and help stop the bleeding while contacting my mom. Looking in a mirror as she called my mom I notice there was a big chunk of skin missing from my chin. My showing off my abilities had really cost me this time.

You know, that is how it is sometimes spiritually speaking. It might seem like we are soaring by means of our own efforts and then the front wheel comes off and we run out of peddle and wreck. It can get real messy when it happens too.

It’s interesting that the only time we are encouraged to strive in the New Covenant is when we are told to strive to enter into the rest God offers through Christ where we cease from our own works and have strong confidence in His. He is not asking us to show off our own abilities, He is asking us to show the world what His Son has done and how rich a reward it is to know Jesus. If you feel like you are running out of peddle or have crashed and burned, there is grace available for you. No shame, no condemnation. Jesus will love you and tend to your wounds if you’ll let Him do so. He is not looking for a superhuman. He came to bring many sons into glory where our effort seems effortless because of the presence and power of God working in and through us. Let Him bring you into His rest today where you cease from your own works and revel in what He has done and is doing. Learn to enjoy Him and relax into Him and allow Him to take you in His strength where you need to go. It’s way more exciting and rewarding when you do.

I would like to hear one of your stories in order to share it here. It needs to be vulnerable, humorous and definitely around 2 to 3 minutes tops. Email me at and we will set up how you can get it to me. If it is selected for sharing you will be notified as to when it will air. But for that to happen you will have to get it recorded and sent to me. Have a great day!