Cowboy Boots and Bike Spokes


Welcome to season twelve and a new day that brings with it new opportunities! It’s Tuesday! My goal is to put a smile on your face today! Pay close attention to the end of the podcast session for an exciting opportunity.

When I was really young while visiting my Mamaw my dad wanted to give me a ride on a bike down the hill. I wore cowboy boots everywhere back then. So up on the handle bars my Dad lifted me and said, do not stick your boots in the spokes. I wish he hadn’t said that. I wish instead he would have said son I need you to help me by flaring your legs out away from the bike so we can go better. That might have worked a little better than don’t stick your boots in the spokes. Guess what happened. Yep, I accidentally stuck my boot in the spokes! We were gaining speed too. We both rolled and tumbled along the pavement that day and my Dad was way more scuffed and scraped up than I was for some reason. My dad desired me to have a great experience. It was all well intentioned but I just couldn’t come out perfect on that don’t do thing he said.

You know Paul an apostle of Jesus spoke about this kind of phenomenon in Romans in the Bible. He said what I would like to do good I don’t do. He spoke about when the law came it convinced him of how short of the mark he was. It condemned him and brought him death by exposing his sin. That is what the don’ts are purposed to do for us. They are meant to reveal how we can’t be good enough in our own strength and render us helpless. As helpless as a dead person would be.

Thankfully Jesus came and did for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves. He perfectly complied with don’ts and the does of the commandments God had given. He perfectly fulfilled the Law of God and then went to the cross where He offered Himself as a perfect sacrifice for our sins. He didn’t do this to make us able in our strength now to keep the law. He did this to remove the power of the law over us so that we could, by grace through faith in Him, have relationship with God.

You do not need to focus on the don’ts, you need to focus on who He is and what He has done if you wish to truly have continual fellowship with God the Father. It’s not our performance that provides access to Him. It is Christ’ performance that grants that to us and we must never forget that. So enjoy fellowship with Him today and let Him lead you into all that He has for you. It’s the best recipe there is for avoiding what you shouldn’t be engaged in.

I would like to hear one of your stories in order to share it here. It needs to be vulnerable, humorous and definitely around 2 to 3 minutes tops. Email me at and we will set up how you can get it to me. If it is selected for sharing you will be notified as to when it will air. But for that to happen you will have to get it recorded and sent to me. Have a great day!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

No Brakes!


No More Peddle