Good News That Actually Is

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Empowering Grace

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I have a complete set of very helpful battery operated tools that I use often.  They serve me well and enable me to complete a job effectively and efficiently.

I am very glad I have such tools when I am doing a project.  I am able to achieve my goal of completing it much quicker and simpler than I otherwise might be able to do it.

To me, those tools serve as an example of empowering grace.  If I had to do the same job using an older style tool it would involve more of my own energy and time.  The challenge of completing it would be much greater and possibly discourage me from even wanting to attempt it.  But with the empowering grace of a good tool the hope of completion in a timely and effective manner makes the prospect a bit more appealing than it might otherwise be.

When you came to Christ you received empowering grace.  You received a grace that connects you to a vast array of helpful tools that are effective and make the challenge of doing the will of God in your life more appealing.  You see He will never ask you do anything He will not give you what you need to do.

I’ve listened to people over the years talk about the will of God and some have said things like, “never say never to God or you will find yourself doing exactly what you said you will never do.”  They say such things with a tone of dread like it is a warning meant to help me, or others, avoid God’s malicious intention to make us pay for saying never.

But is that really what God is like?  Is that an accurate representation of who He is and how He is towards His children?  Because of these types of ideas being bandied about in the body of Christ some have been discouraged from desiring to know the will of God for fear what it might mean to them in the way of hardships and difficulties. It is a sad commentary on who God is as a loving Father who is for us and never against us.

You’ve been given the Promise of the Father, the Holy Spirit, who empowers you to know Jesus more fully.  He also connects you with everything you need to be able to do what He reveals He has planned for your life.

Nothing will ever be too hard for you if you learn to walk in His empowering grace.  Walking in empowering grace encourages you to go deeper in trusting Him in all things and every situation.  But if His goodness and faithfulness is allowed to be brought into question trust is hindered by a suspicion of His intention.  He worked out the way for you to have the promise of eternity with Him along with a promise of hope for better things.  Why would He after all that decide to be mischievous towards you and do things to torment you?

Your Father is good all the time and He offers to you an empowering grace today through Jesus that will equip you to not only know, but to be able to do, according to His good will and pleasure regarding you.  I encourage you to let the Holy Spirit give you revelation of such things today so you can be about the Father’s business just as Jesus was.  His will is always what’s best for you!  There’s blessing in knowing and doing His will by His empowering grace.