The Wisdom Of Favor


Have you ever noticed how easy it can be to make a bad decision on something major because the wisdom of God was never sought in it and then turn around and blame God for a bad outcome?

This happens often.  I know I have done it before.  I have been faced with an important decision to make and thought I knew best what to do and did not even consider asking the Father about it.  After all it was just something practical so why bother Him?  But after making my own decision about it, and later regretting it due to it not turning out as expected, I found myself wondering why God let it happen.

Truth is He will let me have my own way if I want it.  He will not force me to decide according to His wisdom.  He will gladly and willingly give me His wisdom when I ask for it but He will not shove it down my throat so to speak.

I’ve seen this happen to people over relationships, houses, cars, employment, etc.

As soon as I think I am smart enough on my own to plow ahead and do my thing without taking advantage of the relationship I now have with my Father who knows all things, I tend to end up regretting it.

Sometimes along the way, there were times I thought I knew His wisdom on a matter and it still did not turn out the way I had hoped. I discovered I was not really hearing Him on it, I was hearing my own voice or the enemies voice and not discerning the difference.  It was used, none the less by Him, to teach me how to discern the difference. So what was a momentary inconvenience or very disappointing hardship became a wonderful life and relationship lesson for my benefit.  The more I get to know Him and His ways the better I know His voice.

I’ve done it myself, and know others who have made choices on their own and then been upset with God as though He should have stopped it from happening.  He could have intervened and made all this go away.  The more a grow in my understanding of having His favor, which is a grace walk, I realize most of my hardships I have brought on myself by not taking advantage of the access to His wisdom I have been freely offered.  He is using every situation in my life to help me grow in relationship with Him.  He is not causing any of the bad things to happen.   But He will even use a bad thing of my own making to bring me into a deeper understanding that turns me to Him.

Think of what I am saying this way, it’s like having a professional mechanic as a dad and when your car breaks down you determine you will fix it yourself without even letting him know about it.  He would gladly help you with it if you asked, but you want to do it yourself.  In a healthy relationship there’s a humility that honors the other person and respects their wisdom.  When that is truly active you ego to that person for advice and guidance.

Favor grants you the permission to go to your Father on any and every major decision you will ever make.  He has already given you Helper in the Holy Spirit who is always with you to guide you if you will only allow Him to function in your life.  Your Father greatly loves you.  He is there for you.  He’s given you His favor so you can approach anytime about everything happening in your life.  I hope you’ll take heart and take advantage of His amazing wisdom of favor today and always.  Have a blessed day!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Empowering Grace


Savor Your Tremendous Favor