Good News That Actually Is

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Cling To What Is Good

Romans 12:9 Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil. Cling to what is good.

In Greek, the word cling was used to interpret the meaning of glue, cleave, join (Self), or keep company.

Good simply means good.  We all know what good means.  It is that which is of benefit, well.

Basically, the word of God is telling us to join ourselves, glue ourselves, and keep company with what is good.

Now someone might say ice cream is good!  But can you join yourself to it?  Is it really of much benefit?  Is it something you wish to be glued to?  So we know that is not the kind of good we are dealing with in this passage.  Besides, they didn’t even have ice cream then.

So what good might we be dealing with here?

When a rich young ruler called Jesus “good teacher,” Jesus responded with,

Mark 10:18 So Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? No one is good but One, that is, God.

Jesus made it clear that only God is truly good.  So I am prepared to accept that anything involving God (The Triune God) would be good.

Paul stated, “In my flesh dwells no good thing.”  So we know the good spoken of in this passage is not to be found in our strength and existence.  It is from a source other than ourselves.

So the Father is good, the Son is good, and the Holy Spirit is good, and they are sources other than ourselves.

The next rhetorical question would be, are each of these persons of the Godhead beneficial to us?  To meet the whole definition of good, a benefit must be involved.

We are loved by the Father so much that He gave His only begotten Son so that if we believe in Jesus, we will inherit eternal life.

We are loved by Jesus so much that He was willing to lay down His life to pay for our sin past, present, and future and make us righteous with the very righteousness of God.

We are loved by the Holy Spirit so much that He was willing to come and dwell here on earth with us until we are all caught to be with God at the end of time as we know it.

Our current interaction with God involves the work of the Holy Spirit, who reminds us of all that Jesus did to make our relationship with the Father possible.  He also empowers us to be witnesses for Jesus and Ambassadors for the kingdom.

So I would think that following the advice of Romans, we should be glued, clave, join ourselves and keep company with the Holy Spirit.

We need the fire of the Spirit operating in our lives continually.  It is the only way for us to do all we are advised to do in the word of God under the New Covenant.

When we speak with others, we need to be able to genuinely offer them words seasoned with grace and full of the fire of the Holy Spirit so that they, too, might realize the good of God available in Jesus Christ.

I encourage you today to cling to what is good!  Seek to allow the Holy Spirit to operate fully in and through you today and every day according to faith and trusting He is good and what you need!  He is meant to be our companion, comforter, adviser, and empowerer.  Be joined to Him!

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