On Mission

Luke 9:56 For the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.”

Luke 19:9  And Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham; 10 for the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”

The Jesus in me and the Jesus in you desires to encounter those who do not yet know Him and have not yet surrendered themselves to Him.

Jesus is still on a mission and will be on a mission until the end comes.  His mission is to seek and to save.  He did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.

Jesus is not afraid of sinners.  Thank God He is not because had that been the case, I would not be saved today and would not know what it is like to have my sins forgiven past present, and future.

I would not know what it is like to be made clean by the blood of the Lamb.  I would not know what it is like to be set free by the power of His atoning sacrifice, and I would know the glory of being made righteous with the very righteousness of God.

More than that, I would not be able to know the power of the presence of the Holy Spirit, who fills me to overflowing measure and causes rivers of living water to flow out of me toward others.

John 7:38 He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.”

When I am on mission with Jesus, letting Him be Him through me and surrendering to the work of the Spirit, I find there is a flow of the power of the Spirit that can powerfully touch others.

All the resources of heaven become available to me because no soldier goes to war at his own expense.  His expenses are taken care of by the ones who enlisted him.

Jesus promised that if I seek His kingdom and His righteousness first, all the other things I might ever need will be taken care of for me.  I have experienced that in my life many times over.

I trust that you have had that experience as well.  There are adventures in the Spirit for all who will go on a mission with Jesus.  You can be on mission right where you are right now.  We are called to be His witnesses, and I encourage you to find a way to surrender to the Spirit and share the life you have received in Christ with someone you encounter today.

Jesus is still wanting to seek and to save that which was lost.  He wants to do it through us.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.




Cling To What Is Good