
Ephesians 5:15 Therefore consider carefully how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 taking advantage of every opportunity, because the days are evil. 17 For this reason, do not be foolish, but be wise by understanding what the Lord’s will is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, which is debauchery, but be filled by the Spirit,

In these modern times in which we live, millions have learned to run to YouTube when they need to know how to do something.

Need to know how to garden? There’s a YouTube video for that.

Need to know how to fix a faucet?  There’s a YouTube video for that.

Need to know how to fix something on a car?  There’s a YouTube video for that.

Need to discover a new diet to lose weight?  There’s a YouTube video for that.

For a believer in Christ, the clearest definition of being unwise is being ignorant of what the will of the Lord is.

Just as no one has to be ignorant of how to fix something because they can see a video instructing them on how to do it, what tools to use, and even where to buy the things they will need to make the repair, no believer in Jesus has to be ignorant of what His will for them is.

The advice Paul as an apostle, gives to the church at Ephesus is still wise for us today. We should consider how we live and ensure we are wise about it.

But how can we know we are wise about how we live?

Simple, make sure we are living according to the will of the Lord.  This advice given by Paul makes sure we understand the difference between wise and foolish by saying don’t be foolish but be wise.  How?  By understanding what the Lord’s will is.

In other words, if I am doing life without being confident of the will of the Lord, I am living foolishly.  Paul also says, do not get drunk but be filled with the Spirit.

In other words, if I am wise, I will ask to be filled with the Spirit daily.

What is being advised in Ephesians is an active daily relationship with the Lord involving interaction to the degree that we come away with a solid sense of what He desires for us.

To know someone I claim to love hates something, and then I do that very thing regularly is foolish.  It is like going out of my way to bring tension and conflict into the relationship.

Loving my wife makes me aware of her in ways that let me know what she likes and appreciates and empowers me to do even the most minor thing to demonstrate my love for her.  Love for her empowers me to know and do something I am confident she will appreciate and be blessed by.  But these things are made clear only when the relationship is alive and active.

No believer ever has to live foolishly.  Every believer in Jesus has the opportunity to make the most of every opportunity and live in the wisdom of knowing His will and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

I encourage you today to make that your goal.  To prioritize the relationship in a way that makes His will abundantly clear to you and moves you to rely on the Holy Spirit for empowerment to take advantage of the opportunity to do it.  I encourage you to walk in wisdom today and always!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.




To God Be The Glory