Who’s Your Tribe?
Growing up, my mom had many sayings. One such saying was, “Birds of a feather flock together.” the other that was in tandem with it was, “If with the crows you fly, with the crows you’re going to die.”
It was her way of telling me to be careful about the friends I chose because they would reveal what my heart longed for in life.
I know that the Scriptures say that Jesus was a friend of sinners. However, it is not talking about who chose to bring in close to Himself. He mingled with sinners as friends in order to share the good news with them concerning Himself. He was not with them for their approval or because He felt more comfortable with them via a common identification with their condition.
In fact, His most intimate exchanges occurred with the men who were His disciples. The word friend is from the Greek word Philos. It is used in the sense of being friendly or neighborly.
It is not being used in the sense of friend or tribe. Jesus was never hateful towards tax collectors and sinners. They were of the lot He came to save. He came to call sinners to repentance and have faith.
It was a New Covenant grace champion of an apostle who stated in Scripture,
1Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”
I freely and comfortably greet and respectfully converse with anyone willing to do so, regardless of how they appear or what their current passion might be. I aim to be neighborly and hopefully share Christ with them. I do not need their approval lest I be tempted to be and do as they are and do to fit in.
It is never healthy when a believer is tempted to compromise in order to fit in. One thing is certain: it can be revealing to discover what kind of people you are most comfortable with in this life.
When I was young and rebelling against God and pursuing my own pleasures and desires, I wanted to be with others who were doing the same. I thought it was cool. We were all heading in the same direction, and therefore, we were most comfortable hanging out together.
I can honestly testify that I had no real desire to hang out with serious believers in Jesus. I considered them to be uncool and someone who would damper the fun I was seeking.
It wasn’t until I came to Christ that I discovered I desired to be around such persons due to a like desire and common pursuit. You see, my tribe had changed because I had changed. It didn’t mean I became mean and hateful towards those I once before ran with. It simply meant we now had very little in common any longer, and they desired me less due to that, and I felt I fit in with a different tribe now.
Like Jesus, I am happy getting to be with those who have not yet received Christ because I get to witness to them concerning His love and goodness. But that is not my regular hangout or my intimate circle of friends. My tribe is those who have come to know Christ and love Him because they have encountered His love for them. They seek to honor Him, and for that reason, lengthy interaction and conversation come much more easily, and the environment and atmosphere are much more in keeping with who I am now.
Let’s face it: everyone is inclined to spend quality time in the circles they most identify with in life. That’s what I call your tribe. You could say your tribe is in line with your vibe. What kind of tribe are you inclined to gravitate towards? Who are you most comfortable with and feel safe enough with to be vulnerable and honest? Do they love Jesus, and are they full of the Holy Spirit? Do they love the gospel of the New Covenant, and are they kingdom-first-minded? I’m not saying it is wrong to have lost friends or that we should totally avoid family members who are lost. I’m simply demonstrating what the choice of tribe can reveal. Who’s your tribe?