Good News That Actually Is

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What if You Succeed?

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When I was a boy, despite having many physical abilities, there were many things I never even tried due to the fear of failure.  Quietly in my mind I would have a conversation about how others may view me if I were to try and fail.  I missed out on some great opportunities as a result of that way of thinking.  There were a many things I might have enjoyed greatly had I not struggled with that issue.

What I wish I had been able to ask myself was, “what if I succeed?”  Asking myself, “what if I fail” is a set up that is nothing short of a stealth soul robber of potential wonderful experiences.

What if I succeed sows something positive in the way of opportunity in my soul whereas the other sows negativity and reluctance, if not total hindrance.

I think one of the more beautiful aspects of the work of grace in the New Covenant is the idea of now getting to boast in weaknesses instead of being made powerless by them.

The great apostle Paul once said, I would rather boast in my weaknesses for in them Christ is made strong.  It becomes most clear that Jesus is working on your behalf when you no longer stumble or are hindered by your inability to perform at the highest level according to the flesh.

God has set things up in a such a way that only Jesus can truly take the credit.  Amazingly, Jesus is happy to share His credit with us!  We are now joint heirs with Him in righteousness and relationship with the Father.  I find it amazing that this glorious privilege of relationship was not because of anything we did to deserve or to even keep it, it is all based on what Jesus did and how through faith it is accredited to us even though we are weak.

This is why we are complete in Him and only in Him.  We will never be complete in or of ourselves by giving our best effort to be good enough.

So today I hope you will find it possible to rejoice and to boast in your weaknesses so that Jesus may be clearly seen at work in you.  My friend you cannot fail when you put your trust in Jesus!

Have a blessed day!