Good News That Actually Is

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What If

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Welcome to this new day that brings with it new opportunities! It’s Tuesday and I am so glad to have this time with you to encourage your joy!

I know it isn’t Christmas time but I need to bring to our attention something I feel is very important and encouraging to think about. Luke 1:28 And having come in, the angel said to her, “Rejoice, highly favored one, the Lord is with you; blessed are you among women!”

Now that verse seems okay until you unpack the context Mary was living in. She was a young Jewish girl living in Nazareth under very difficult circumstances and being oppressed by the Roman Government at the time. In most cases many would argue she was anything but blessed and highly favored when you looked at the conditions in which she had to live her life.

So “what if” what if she had compared herself with others she knew of that lived at a much higher level of comfort and prosperity than she did and determined her perspective would be shaped by these comparisons?

Thankfully Mary chose to believe the angel despite the hardships she was under and accepted the invitation to become the mother of Jesus. The measure of our happiness is not to be determined by the things we possess or the level of living we can accrue in this life. It is best if it is determined by the blessing of life we have received in Christ Jesus. That’s the foundation of all lasting joy.

So I encourage you today to never allow your perspective to be colored by your surroundings or circumstances. Such things are never permanent anyway. Let your perspective be determined by His love for you today and always! Go and have a richly blessed day because you too are now favored and blessed in Jesus Christ.