What Happened?

Do you ever find yourself amazed at how much something has changed?

Do you ever recall something that now is no longer given the same level of consideration even though it was a value of great importance at one time?

Do you know what it means to be marginalized?  Marginalization happens when someone or something is not mentioned, given much attention, or asked to participate in things of importance.  It is akin to sitting in a dark corner of the dugout in a baseball game and never called on or thought of as being essential to winning the game.

Is it possible that, in many ways, the church at large has done this to the Holy Spirit?  After all, He is seldom mentioned. He is not often called upon to participate or allowed to have His way.  Sadly, He is more than often just an afterthought.  This is unlike what we find in the New Testament Scriptures.


A man was not allowed to do something as practical as serving widows food in the early church unless he had a good reputation and was full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom.  Acts 6

Today, men can serve as pastors and elders who bear the responsibility of teaching and leading the saints without believing that there is such a thing as being baptized in the Holy Spirit.


The Scriptures admonish believers to walk according to the Spirit, and they will not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).  Today, many believers are told the difference between what is right and wrong from a Law perspective and expected to simply choose from their own power and strength to get free from it.  Sadly, they are not encouraged by the grace of God to turn to the Holy Spirit for help and to rely on His power.  Is it possible that much of the continual struggles with sin in believers’ lives is tied to their perspective regarding the Holy Spirit, or should I say the lack thereof?


Is it possible that by marginalizing the importance of the Holy Spirit through the establishment of religious strongholds of thinking rooted in deductive reasoning as opposed to Holy Spirit revelation, the enemy has successfully kept many in the church from the freedom that is meant to be theirs in Christ?

Paul’s reaction to men claiming to be disciples was to ask a question.  Have you received the Holy Spirit since you believed?  Acts 19  KJV  54-55AD at least 22 years after Pentecost!

The apostles in Jerusalem heard how many were saved in Samaria and water baptized when Phillip had gone down and preached to them.  However, they were concerned because it was not reported that anyone who had been saved and water baptized had been baptized in the Holy Spirit.  So they intentionally sent Peter and John to Samaria to lay hands on all who had believed for the sole purpose of making sure they were all baptized in the Holy Spirit.  Being filled with the Holy Spirit was important!

Today, the church is content with just getting someone into the waters of baptism. It’s as if that’s the final thing.  More often than not, there isn’t even a mention of the gift of being filled with the Holy Spirit, receiving power, and becoming a witness for Christ.  It’s like water baptism is a starter in the game, and the Holy Spirit sits in a dark corner of the dugout as though He isn’t even present.


When it came to Gentiles being included in the plan of salvation and it being acceptable to the Jewish Apostles and elders in Jerusalem, Peter had to witness the only examples in Scripture where the Holy Spirit filled believers as soon as they believed in Jesus, even before they were water baptized.  It led Peter to say, “Can anyone forbid water, that these should not be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?”  Acts 10:47 AD 37 at least 4 years after Pentecost.

Peter witnessed them speaking with other tongues and prophesying just as the 120 had done in that upper room long before.  The Holy Spirit was not an afterthought in the minds and hearts of the Apostles who laid the foundations for the church.  Should He now be an afterthought?


I submit this thought to consider on this day.  Do you really think you can accomplish God’s will for your life in your own power and strength?  Do you really believe that the things God has for us to do and to be are so small that it would only require human initiative and strength to accomplish?  I say emphatically, absolutely not!  I need the power of the Holy Spirit always so that I might do the will of God and advance His kingdom on this earth until Jesus comes again or I pass on to heaven.  It’s time that the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Holy Trinity, be respected and given His rightful place in the church.

Just as at creation, the Father imagined and willed, the Son was the word spoken, and the Holy Spirit was the power that made it all happen, so it is still today.  Scripture testifies that Jesus baptizes with the Holy Spirit it was how John the Baptist described His ministry.  Should we not also then emphasize the importance of the Holy Spirit?

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.


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