Good News That Actually Is

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1John 5:4 For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith.

Daniel 6:23 The king was exceedingly glad for him and commanded that they take Daniel out of the den. So Daniel was taken up out of the den, and no injury was found on him because he believed in his God.

Daniel had been thrown into a den of hungry lions and left there overnight.  Daniel had continued to pray three times a day even though a legal decree declared that no one was to call on any man or god except for the king for thirty days.

Daniel knew God well enough to know he did not wish to go thirty days without talking with Him, even if it meant trouble for Daniel.  Daniel was not in trouble for loving his routine.  He was not willing to be persecuted for a routine or discipline.  Daniel was willing to suffer because of his relationship with God.  Daniel was not a legalistic do-gooder who feared that he would be judged if he did not pray.  Daniel enjoyed his prayer time each day.

The faith that brings us to victory is not faith in things or what we imagine should be a solution.  It is not faith in what we do, even though faith produces actions.  It is not faith in our disciplines or our sense of right and wrong.

The faith that overcomes the world and brings us victoriously through every trial is grounded in the Lord Himself.  Faith that fuels our relationship with God to start with is faith that overcomes the world.

Faith that results from knowing Jesus in a real and living way is victorious.  It is the kind of faith that brings us into possibility and opportunity every day.

I want always to be found growing in my faith in Him.  I want to be increasing in my knowledge of Him.  I want to become so aware of who He is and what He is like that I can firmly stand in any situation unshaken and unmoved by the pressures being applied to get me to waffle even a little concerning what I know He has made me to be and to do.

To develop in this way, I ask the Holy Spirit daily to bring me into deeper fellowship and understanding in Jesus. I ask to know His will and purpose for me more clearly and grant me the boldness to embrace what it calls me into.

Living for Christ by being in Christ and not being ashamed to proclaim such truth anywhere and everywhere is not popular in these last days.  Faith that overcomes the world isn’t concerned with being popular with the world.  It is concerned with knowing and being known by God.  That’s how I want to approach each day I am given.  I trust it is your desire as well.  Go in the riches of Him in Christ today and be filled with the treasure of the Holy Spirit to live boldly in the relationship Jesus died to make possible.

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