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Victory On The Front Lines - Part Two

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2022 S1 E10 Victory On The Front Lines Part Two Tim Atchley

Good Morning, I pray that you will be blessed in Christ and experience victory today and every day. You are not ordinary because you have been born from above. You are His child and that means you are more than an overcomer through Jesus!

2Corinthians 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, 5 casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,

Based on what we just read there are strongholds - fortresses of wrong thinking-that require being pulled down. There are also arguments - seemingly logical reasonings. There are high things that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God - Attempts at making something other than God and His wisdom be of greater value to you. All three of these things are weapons used against us in the spiritual battle being waged over our relationship with Jesus. But note, the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh but mighty in God.

All these things mentioned take place in your thought life. If they are not dealt with correctly they will hinder your spiritual growth and God given destiny. Your thought life is the front lines of spiritual battle. But you’ve been given supernatural truth and faith to fight with. Your weapons are mighty in God!

Did you know that some traditions held dear may meet the description of a stronghold and can hinder you?

Did you know that sentimentality or nostalgia will often meet these descriptions, and can hinder you?

Did you know that these threats can be cultural, religious, political, educational or relational?

Anything contrary to the the truth of the New Covenant Gospel of the Kingdom that is allowed a place in your thinking is dangerous, and will hinder your spiritual growth and destiny. Thoughts should pass through the supernatural filter of the gospel of the kingdom which places Jesus at the center as Savior and Lord.

Many front line threats are often rooted in an Old Covenant understanding of Scripture. Often, that understanding is based on sentimentality or nostalgia and produces confusion about the context and glory of the New Covenant. The enemy of your soul loves it when you give in to something that runs contrary to the truth of the New Covenant Gospel. He loves to sow things that dim the glory of Jesus in the New Covenant.

The enemy wants to obscure the truth about Jesus and what He accomplished in His obedience. Please pay special notice to what it says in verse 5, “bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ”

Did you catch what it actually says here? The phrase, into captivity to the obedience of Christ, is very important to pay attention to because many read it as saying, “brining every thought into captivity to an obedience to Christ.” I personally believe it is a mistake to read it that way. Replacing the word “The” with “An” and the word “of” with “to” changes the meaning and application. That would make our own outward obedience what accomplishes the victory. That’s not supernatural. It doesn’t draw on the mighty weapons in God. Many make a mistake of thinking it speaks of moral obedience based on what it says in verse 6

2Corinthians 10:6 and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.

Think about what is really being said here. Being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled. What obedience? The obedience of believing the truth concerning Christ. The way I read it is, “You will punish any disobedience of doubt with your faith in Jesus when these attacks on your thought life occur.” In other words, my first obedience is to believe the truth about Jesus which pulls down strongholds, casts down arguments and exposes and rejects every high things that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.

This is why getting the gospel right is so important! The good news of Jesus is the core truth of the New Covenant. We must make sure we get it right. There’s no such thing as too much gospel of the kingdom.

Always remember that you are loved with an everlasting love by a faithful God who cannot lie and you have everything you need in Christ. Go and enjoy the adventure that is yours when you live submitted to the Holy Spirit each day!