Unafraid And Determined

Acts 2:46 So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart,

I recently contemplated this idea of the apostles and the temple, and some things jumped out at me when I read this verse.

They continued.  Now this would not be too big a deal if it weren’t for the background behind this story.  You see, these guys are going to a temple ruled by the same men who worked to orchestrate the death of Jesus.  They continued to go to a place ruled by men that opposed their leader and were partners in His death.

They continued going to a place that rejected who and what they were about.  Now this speaks volumes to me as we witness many finding any reason not to attend the gathering of the saints on the Lord’s Day.  Many claim they’ve been hurt, and I would assume that in many cases, that is true because of abusive and illegitimate situations.

But not all are that way, and I know of none as threatening as what the apostles faced in their day, yet they continued.

Not just them, but those who were with them continued.  They all, in one accord, embraced the challenge of not being popular, being rejected, and possibly even being persecuted for their faith.  They were mistreated by those at the temple too, yet they were not deterred.

Because they continued, wonderful opportunities presented themselves.

Acts 3:1 Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.

On this occasion, a lame man from birth who was a beggar at the temple sought help from Peter and John, and they did not give him money but instead gave him what they did have: healing in Jesus.

This miracle would not have been recorded had they not continued!  They would not have been present for this had they quit going.  I guess we could say the early church was unafraid and determined since we have such a record of them continuing as they did in the face of such odds.

Under the New Covenant, what we celebrate each Lord’s Day is not opposed to Jesus but recognizes Him and what He has done.  If someone gets offended on their job, they do not quit and stay home.  They keep going back and just do their best to stay clear of whoever hurt or offended them.

It is sad that it has become so easy for many to give up on attending Lord’s Day gathering due to an offense, hurt, or some other reason.  The possibilities to find a place to gather are practically endless in this nation.  Surely there’s a safe place to gather somewhere.

There is growth awaiting those who will continue!  There is strength to be deposited from the Spirit when we resolve in our hearts to continue.  I encourage you not only to continue yourself, but if you know someone who has withdrawn from this wonderful privilege of fellowship, you will encourage them, according to grace, to return.  Jesus is coming soon, and as His return gets closer, our gathering together becomes all the more important.  I encourage you to be unafraid and determined like those who ran so well before us.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.


A Holy Temple


Fullness Of Joy