Trust Is A Must

My wife Sheila and I will have been married for 37 years this November.  Something is interesting about trust.  Where there is any insecurity about being loved, there is a lack of trust.  A healthy, vibrant relationship fosters trust because both parties know they are loved, and when a person knows they are loved, they also know the other party who loves them will always want the best for them.  They do not live suspicious of the other person being out to get them.

This is true in our natural relationships, but it is equally true in our relationship with Jesus.  If you question the love of God or Christ, you will struggle to trust them.  Doubt will interfere with faith and trust because you are unaware of their intentions.

Ephesians 3:19 to know the love of Christ which surpasses (Exceeds) knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

The Greek word for knowledge in Ephesians 3:19 is Gnosis meaning knowledge or science. We are being told here that there is a love so deep in Christ that it cannot be intellectually discovered.  It surpasses knowledge.  Science will never know what it is because it is not logical that His love could be so great.

Through the love of Christ, we can experience God’s fullness.  But the key to the fullness we are meant to experience is based on our knowing Christ’s love.  I believe this is true because to be vulnerable and surrender to whatever God wishes to give us and do in us and through us, we must trust Him.  But trust is difficult for someone who isn’t sure of being loved.

A naive person may trust people, but their trust is not rooted in love.  It might be rooted in people pleasing, which may be rooted in fear of man, but not in love.  You can reluctantly decide to trust someone simply because your desire to avoid their displeasure outweighs your reluctance to trust, so you give in and take the leap.  But that is not the same as a “trust fall” rooted in love.  To have that kind of trust, you must know you are loved.

The Greek word translated into know in Ephesians 3:19 is Ginosko, meaning allow, be aware of, feel, perceive, be resolved, be sure, understand.

There is something so real and so deep about the love of Christ that it can only be experienced.  We are first made aware of it through revelation from the Holy Spirit.  No one truly knows His love based on mere deductive reasoning.  It requires the aid of the Holy Spirit even to get a glimpse of His love.  To experience it is something special, and when that happens, and we become fully convinced of His love, we find it much easier to trust Him.

The experience of the fullness of God is something very special. The Greek word for filled in Ephesians 3:19 means to cram, to furnish, satisfy, verify, accomplish, or make full.

In the actual Greek text, it reads this way.  “That filled all God.”  You and I are meant to be full of God.

Being full of God can only be made real to us by the person of the Holy Spirit.  But, if we question the love of Christ, we will question Jesus’ promise to baptize us with the Holy Spirit.  This baptism and companionship of the Holy Spirit is the actual experience of the fullness of God.  I pray you will know it today and always!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Fullness Of Joy


Good Hope