Good News That Actually Is

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Thirty One Years Ago

On September 12th, 1993, my family and I left the comfort of our larger fellowship of which we had been a part for so many years and ventured out with their blessing to plant a new church in another part of our city.  It was a huge step of faith for us at the time.

Some years later, we were challenged to believe God again and take Him at His word of promise.  With only a $100.00 surplus in the church budget at the time, I felt the Lord challenging me to leave my employment where I had benefits, stock, and insurance and enter the ministry full time.

This was not a decision I could just make and drag my family into.  As part of my training in leadership, the Holy Spirit moved me to go to my family and present this matter to them and ask them to pray and see what God would speak to them.  They took it seriously and prayed, and came back with a unanimous determination to do it.

With no apparent supply in the natural to do such a thing and with four young children and a wife to care for, I left a secure job and entered full-time ministry purely on faith.  From that moment until today, God has supplied our needs.  I have never missed a paycheck.

There is something about pioneering and stepping out in faith that brings an increase of revelation and understanding in one’s relationship with God.  There’s something about standing on a promise spoken to you by Him, holding fast to believing even when it seems delayed, that causes a closeness to take place in one’s heart and soul.

I had a vision of standing before thousands and preaching the gospel shortly after I came to Christ.  That vision was like a fire in my soul.  But it would take decades before it came to fruition.  I never gave up on it.  Somehow, I knew it would come.  I did not try to self-fulfill it either.  I had been involved with crusade ministry through a friend and mentor who has done them for decades and invited me to participate by traveling with him and ministering to pastors and leaders in conferences held during the days of the crusade.  I am forever grateful to him for his willingness to include me and allow me such an opportunity.

In May of 2024, I conducted my first major crusade as Tim Atchley Global Ministries and was able to include respected friends in ministry to go with me to serve pastors and leaders in conferences held during the days of the crusade, and we were witness to a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit during our time there.  Jesus was magnified greatly, and many came to know Him, were filled with the Holy Spirit, water baptized, and many received deliverance from demon possession and were miraculously healed and set free.

By faith, I am planning now to return to a different area in that same nation in September of 2025.  A walk with Jesus calls us into the activity of faith in what seems impossible in the natural, but because of His amazing love and faithfulness, it is made possible for us supernaturally simply because He desires to include us in His plans and bless our lives with His presence.

You may not be asked to conduct major crusades in the nations. You may be asked to simply share your faith with others you encounter in the workplace, school, or the marketplace.  Maybe you will be moved to pray for your neighbor or family member and stand strong and firm in your belief in His desire to touch them unmistakably.  We are all called to walk in His love and make Him known to our generation in whatever way He leads us to do so.  I am simply testifying today that there is nothing that can compare to taking a step of faith in Him according to His leading and letting Him show up and show out in your life.  Some big things take time, but there are daily things He wishes to do in your life so that you know He is with you and cares for you.  There are many more things I could reveal here, but it would make this post too large.  I pray you will step out in faith today and experience Him in a fresh new way.  He is with you today and always!

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