The Unreliable Brace


Welcome to season eleven and a new day that brings with it new opportunities! It’s Thursday! My goal is to put a smile on your face today! Pay close attention to the end of the podcast session for an exciting opportunity.

I was a young dad but very involved with my kids although I had a very busy work schedule. We had managed to head up into the mountains as a family to play in the stream and have a cook out. We had brought with us a little plastic minnow net to catch and release critters from the stream. We wanted to more closely examine them. Now you would have thought I would have considered something before the next thing I am about to tell you.

Someone asked, “are there salamanders in this stream?” to which I said, “sure there are they hide under rocks and I think I see a good one to look under.” Now to access this particular rock I needed to be able to brace myself and here’s where I should have thought before I acted. You see without thinking I tried to lean on what I had in my hand. Yes, you guessed it probably that little plastic net. Can you guess what happened next? That’s right splash, into the stream I went clothes and all. Of course the kids got a big kick out of but no laughed as loud or as hard as my wife Sheila did. It was a blunder that lives in the hallowed halls of embarrassing family moments. It’s been brought up at family table discussions many times with much laughter at my expense.

Do you know what my real mistake was? Because I failed to consider it I placed my confidence in something far too flimsy to uphold me. That net was not designed to carry the weight of a grown man. A misplaced trust in it got me all wet and laughed at. This happens many times in life to many people and I am no exclusion. A misplaced trust in something too weak to support the weight of a complex life or situation has led to many an embarassment or disappointment.

Only Jesus is big enough to hold us fast no matter the load! In fact, He has promised to bear all our burdens if we will just allow Him to do so. Be encouraged today in knowing Jesus loves you and is willing to let you lean on Him at any and all times. That is why He is called a rock, a sure foundation. Hand it off to Him today and lean on Him, He can take it.

I would like to hear one of your stories in order to share it here. It needs to be vulnerable, humorous and definitely around 2 to 3 minutes tops. Email me at and we will set up how you can get it to me. If it is selected for sharing you will be notified as to when it will air. But for that to happen you will have to get it recorded and sent to me. Have a great day!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Encouraged By His Presence


Pleasantly Surprised