The Whole You - Part Two

The Whole You - Part Two

In yesterday’s devotional, I spoke of how God cares about the whole you, not just part.

This idea is further established when Jesus speaks of the birds of the air and the hairs of our heads.

Luke 12:6   “Are not five sparrows sold for two copper coins? And not one of them is forgotten before God. 7 But the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.

Practical needs are things that affect our bodies and our souls.

What amazes me in pondering these things is the intimacy reflected in how attentive God is to our bodies.

The hair on our head?

What significance could that possibly have that would merit His attention and awareness of how much or how little there is?

Why give such attention to our body if it has little or no value to Him?

Perhaps I could use an example that will help with this.  If the body doesn’t matter, why do we desire those we love not to be sick, not suffer physically, or experience issues with dysfunction physically?

Their bodies matter because they matter. Their bodies have value because they have value.  We desire that they be able to experience what we perceive to be the fullness of blessing that comes from having all one’s physical capacities operating at peak levels with health and strength.  It is considered a blessing to have all as it should be.

This matters because if I think God could care less about what happens in my body, then promises of healing for my body and well-being in my soul aren’t that significant.  In that way of thinking, God isn’t all that concerned about these parts of who I am.  Therefore, He could be letting those unpleasant and unwelcomed things for the sake of my spirit at the expense of these lesser important areas of my life.  That kind of thinking lends itself towards deducing that only my spirit has value and, therefore, I should just be reconciled to most, if not all, the stuff that comes against my flesh and soul.

But when I understand the value He has placed on my body, then promises of healing for my body and well-being in my soul begin to make sense, and they are within my grasp according to faith.  Understanding His love for the whole me awakens my faith and allows the promises to reveal with greater clarity who He truly is and what He is really like.

This is another part of getting to know Him according to how Jesus revealed Him in all His goodness as a Father to us.  Jesus revealed a God very intimately aware of the whole of us and very intimately concerned about all the parts of our lives.

Is there an area in your life right now in need of His mercy?  I promise He cares, is aware, and wants to help.  He loves all of who you are.  The Father loves the whole you!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Authentic Intercession


The Whole You - Part One