The Transformation Of A Supernatural Encounter With God


In the Bible a prophet named Isaiah had a genuine supernatural  heavenly encounter with God?

For the first portions of the book of Isaiah we are shown a prophet who is rebuking those who are in rebellion and not living right with God.  It is as though rebuking is all that Isaiah knows.  His words are accurate and truthful regarding the actions of the people and how out of step with the law of God they are, but something happens when Isaiah sees the Lord high and lifted up.

Isaiah for the first time in his writing in chapter six says, “Woe is me.”  All of a sudden Isaiah sees himself and everything else in a new light.   A real God encounter has a way of shifting perspective like nothing else can.  It turned Isaiah into one of the most prolific prophets of the coming Messiah in all the Old Testament.  He became a prophet of real hope based on His encounter with God and a vision of the coming Messiah who would reconcile Israel to God in a way so complete and final there would never be a comparison to it.  Isaiah never lost his wonder for God’s holiness but he gained a fresh perspective of His love and His intention to redeem.

I have discovered that true encounters with Jesus do not produce in me a woe is you mentality towards others, but rather it produces an attitude of, if someone like me can be loved by Him I know you can be too.  It changes the way I see others.

True supernatural God encounters make me keenly aware of the amazing favor of God in accepting me and inviting me to be with Him. It lovingly exposes my own great need for Jesus and it strips away any sense of spiritual superiority I thought I might have possessed before the encounter occured.  It equals the playing field so to speak.  A supernatural encounter with God has the power to lovingly set me straight to such a degree I identify with others, as opposed to judging them.  In other words, truly having a supernatural encounter with God humbles me and produces the fruit of the love of Christ for others in me.

So, I enjoy and expect to have many supernatural God encounters and I encourage you to have as many God encounters you can.  I would only advise that you be discerning and know that authentic encounters do not produce spiritual critics.

True supernatural God encounters produce Christ like disciples of Jesus who know they are sons of God and are empowered to share  His love with others freely.

So I encourage you to share His love with someone today!  Tell them the good news of the love of Christ that took Him to a cross to fulfill the law, pay for their sin, and make available to them the ability to have Jesus come live within them by giving them a new life in Himself.  Tell them of the offer of His abiding in them by being made the very righteousness of God in Jesus when they simply believe He came, He lived, He died, He rose again, He ascended and He is coming again soon to claim His own.  Let them see your own confidence that is born of His love for you.  Have a blessed day!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Joy No Matter What


No Way To Lose