Good News That Actually Is

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The Source Of Happiness

When a person who belongs to Jesus isn’t hearing from Him, it is usually because they are either ignoring Him or distracted by doing their own thing and thus cannot hear Him when he speaks.  Distraction generally results in missing out on something someone tries to say to us.

Sometimes, when watching a show or listening to a song or message, Sheila might say something while I’m giving my attention to whatever I am listening to or watching.  I may catch the tail end of what she said and have to ask her what she said.  It is not that I can’t hear; it is that I am not tuned in to her speaking at that moment.  I am disengaged due to my distraction.

Distractions make it hard to hear.  It does not mean no one is speaking, especially when it comes to being in a relationship with Jesus.

If you have come to know Jesus by grace through faith, I promise you He has been speaking to you.  He is not ignoring you or ghosting you.  To ignore or ghost someone you claim to be in a close relationship with communicates a lack of care and respect.  I love my wife, Sheila.  Therefore, we talk daily about meaningful and silly things to each other.  We communicate because we love each other.  We want to connect.

I could be in a  crowd of people and be able to distinguish Sheila’s voice from among the crowd even if I couldn’t see her.  Why?  Because I know the sound of her voice!  Knowing her voice implies a relationship with her.  Jesus is talking about that in John 10:27 when He says His sheep know His voice.

Happiness is knowing Him, knowing His voice, and knowing I am in right standing with Him.  That means happiness is a choice!  I get to choose whether I will make my happiness about my relationship to Him or subject it to other far less reliable sources.

If happiness becomes my highest priority, and I believe it relies on people or things in this world, I will be disappointed.  But if I understand that I am responsible for my happiness based on what I look to as the source, I can be empowered to be happy even when things aren’t going my way.  My happiness is not someone else’s responsibility.  It begins and ends with me and depends on what source I will go to for it.

You see, when we examine the things we are looking to for happiness and then bring them into the light of what Jesus says can and should bring us happiness, it might be they are not worth getting all worked up over to start with.  If we learn to treasure our relationship with Jesus and the privilege of hearing Him speak to us, we can be happy a lot more often.  Our happiness will run much deeper, too!

Hebrews 13:5   Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”

1 Timothy 6:8 And having food and clothing, with these we shall be content.

Hang your happiness on Jesus, and you will find it is not so elusive. Relationship with Him is true happiness!

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