The Simple Things


During my early 40’s I was at my office at the church.  I had just gone through a very trying rough time with a lot of situations that were working overtime to challenge my gift and calling.  I was just sitting there behind my desk thinking to myself and preparing for an important meeting I was about to have with someone.  That’s when the phone rang.

I answered it in the usual way.  The voice on the other end was very deep and simply said this is a voice from your past.  I could not for the life of me figure out who it was.  Then he revealed himself to me.  It was the man who in my boyhood years had challenged me to play the drums and to sing.  Mr Jimmy Gibbs himself.  It was then that he said, “I didn’t know how to find you as I had no information to go on so I searched your name on the internet and found a Harvest Church church website.”  I stopped him and said, “Jimmy we terminated that old website over three years ago, how on earth could you have possibly found that?”  He said, “I don’t know, but I did and so I called the number I guess God wanted me to be able to reach you.”  Then he began to speak over me words about my calling and the things I was in the middle of at the time and he prayed and I began to weep and convulse like something was being pulled out of me.  It was a powerful release in my spirit.  He finished praying, and we talked to catch up for a bit but then I needed to get composed before the meeting I was about to have so we hung up.

Jimmy had just gone out of his way because he had an impulse in his spirit he needed to talk to me after many years.  He acted on that impulse in his spirit even though he could have been doing something else. He is way older than me and lives far from from me so what was there for him to gain from it? He simply acted on that impulse he had in his spirit and I was so glad he did.  What a rich blessing that was to me in Avery timely way.  He of course said he was tremendously blessed as well.  That memory lives fresh with me.

God takes the simplest act of obedience and He uses it to bless someone by encouraging them.  Those very simple acts turn into some of the greatest riches in life.  I love how His kingdom operates.  I love how He loves us.  He loves you!  Maybe that simple idea you had recently is much bigger than you think.  What can it hurt to do something with it?  I sure am glad Jimmy did.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.



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