Good News That Actually Is

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The End Of Shame

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When I was a boy in elementary school I was an honor student.  But the day came as I got a little older that I became distracted by sports and I slacked ever so slightly in my effort to study.  As a result I actually got a C in one subject on my report card.  I was embarrassed without anyone saying anything at all.   

Believe it or not, the principal of the school thought it merited public attention.  I was sitting in class when the loud speaker for announcements came on.  To my surprise and total shame he read my report card to the whole school and then ended by saying I hope Tim will bring that “C” back up on the next report card.  I’m sure he imagined he was motivating me to return to my former honor roll ways but it wasn’t having that effect.  I was devastated, and the other kids, although shocked themselves, did not waste that opportunity to tease me and make the shame even worse.

When I got home that day I told my parents what had happened and my dad was furious.  The next day I was in class and the loud speaker for announcements came on again.  I was nervous wondering if I would once again be targeted.  It was about me, only this time the principle was making an apology and acknowledging the his actions were way out of line.  I was vindicated!

I learned later that my dad had paid him a visit and was even in his office while he was making the announcement.  Talk about taking the ammo away from the kids who just one day before were really laying into me.  All of a sudden my shame turned to victory.  It felt amazing to know that my dad had my back.

I share that to say there is an enemy out there who uses shame to imprison people in their soul.  But, if you give your shame to Jesus you are able to make the confession that the blood of Jesus took care of all your sin past, present and future.  When you become aware and convinced that you belong to Jesus and you do not let yourself get all caught up in caring about what this world thinks, you  walk in a victory many people never realize.

You see, God as your Father has your back and He is not like that principle at my school using shame to get you to perform for Him.  He has lovingly set you free so you can be who He says you are and live the abundant life Jesus died to give to you.

So tell shame to take a hike and embrace the love of God for you!Smile through the momentary embarrassment of whatever it was that sought to shame you in the first place.  Learn, grow, and go be a blessing on the heels of whatever that was. Your sins have been paid for past, present and future in Jesus.  He has forgiven you and He is not shaming you in the least.  He is interceding for you right now to the Father and His prayers for you are not for harm and destruction.  Believe that His prayers are for your success.  I promise you’ll have a much better day as a result.

Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.