Good News That Actually Is

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The Beauty of Favor

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Whenever we talk about grace we are actually talking about unmerited favor with God.

This unmerited favor has never been earned by any human being.  It is a gift.  When we hear of it with regard to Noah it say, “Noah found grace.”  Think about that for a moment.  Noah discovered something that existed on his behalf that he had never seen or understood before.  So what was the grace Noah found?

Relationship with God.  Noah heard God speak and he, by faith, acted on what he heard because he believed.  Noah found grace.  Noah realized God wanted to engage in fellowship with him and Noah engaged in return.  Noah accepted the invitation initiated by God.  The same is true of Abraham the Old Testament prophetic picture of faith and grace.

It is then that the whole righteousness by faith understanding enters the picture with regard to how God works.

Abraham believed and it accredited to him as righteousness.  Another way to say that is Abraham believed God was real and really had invited him into relationship with Himself and God made it possible by imputing righteousness to Abraham.  Abraham did not earn it, nor did Noah.  You did not earn it, nor have I.

Romans 11:6 And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work.

Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,

Grace is unmerited favor!

Now this is a much bigger deal than many take the time to realize.  This is what guarantees our continual relationship access with God and it has been secured for us through the obedience of Christ Jesus.  Jesus is the gateway into this grace and He has secured an eternal grace for us.

The purpose for Jesus securing it for us is not so we can become the most popular among our peers and have everyone on this earth think we are special.  It is so that we can have access and experience wide open unhindered access into a glorious privilege of fellowship with God.

Everything Jesus did points to the great privilege of knowing God and being in right relationship with Him.  Without the favor of grace there would be no continual fellowship with God.  The privilege would not exist.  That is the beauty of favor!  You and I get to know God as He wishes to reveal Himself and has revealed Himself through Jesus His Son.  We now get to know Him as sons.  We get to know Him as privileged ones.  Privileged because we were born into this glorious position by an invitation from Him based on the merits of Jesus!  Oh the beauty of favor!  I do hope you will take time to enjoy this marvelous privilege today and always.