Good News That Actually Is

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Tainted Grace

When we speak of something being tainted, we think of it being marred or distorted from what it is meant to be in its purity.

If I were to purchase a work of art by a master of art and then begin to paint on it as if to improve it, I would be tainting it; it would be considered marred and lacking its original beauty for which it was most appreciated.

So, it is when grace is not allowed to manifest according to its purity and beauty.

One of the clearest manifestations of grace is a thankful heart.  When it is understood and believed that it is by grace that we were redeemed and given favor with God, we have nothing by which to boast and are eternally grateful for the generosity of God in making this blessing a reality to us through Jesus Christ.

A hidden gratitude is no gratitude at all.  The truly grateful is not ashamed of giving credit where credit is due.

There is a line in a movie where the character comes into an office meeting after being on a date with a woman he had been pursuing, and he declares to everyone that he is in love, he is in love, and he doesn’t care who knows it.

When the heart is deeply affected by a right belief, it expresses gratitude and delight.

1 Thessalonians 5:16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Colossians 3:15 And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.

Complaining, grumbling, a lack of gratitude, discontentment, discord, and a lack of peace taint the expression of grace.  They have nothing to do with the fruits of grace.

Grace cannot be modeled to others by criticisms. Complaining and always being upset over something.  Trying to disguise a lack of peace behind a false claim of righteous indignation cannot manifest grace.

One of the clearest ways of manifesting the work of grace is by being thankful.  Finding what is good, hopeful, and according to His promises by opening up our eyes to His eternal presence with us can produce a grateful heart that manifests His grace.  Living in the knowledge of His unearned favor can create the fruit of peace in us and manifest His grace alive and active in us.  If we know our performance did not merit our favor with Him to start with, we can know it is not our performance that will keep us in the place of favor.  Knowing this, according to faith, gives birth to peace and produces a grateful heart within us.

I encourage you today to remind your soul of the great benefits you have in Christ and allow grace to shine through you, pure and untainted.

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