Good News That Actually Is

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Standing On The Integrity Of Jesus

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What we see, hear, taste, smell and feel is so real to us.  It is often more real to us than the truth we find in the word of God spoken concerning us.

So how can we overcome our five senses which we use to determine the facts so often?

Much of what we need to do begins and ends with faith in the integrity of God, the finished work of Jesus, and the promised faithfulness and power of the Holy Spirit.  We start there because God upholds His word.

Psalm 89:34 My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips.

Psalm 119:25 My soul clings to the dust;  Revive me according to Your word.

Psalm 119:28 My soul melts from heaviness; Strengthen me according to Your word.

We often yield to what seems most real to us in the natural.  We feel it, see it unfolding, and because of that we often very confidently make our confession for it.  After all, we don’t want to be seen as being out of touch with “reality.”

But did you know there’s a way to acknowledge fact while giving greater weight to the truth God speaks so that it becomes our confession?

In Matthew 14 the disciples of Jesus had just witnessed a major miracle that transcended the facts of the circumstances they were facing.  The disciples themselves were hungry, not have enough to eat, let alone feed a great multitude of people.  The facts of the circumstances were that thousands of people were far from their homes, or any nearby town. Those people were also in need of food and it would be too far a journey for them to strike out hungry.  The disciples witnessed and were part of a miracle where Jesus fed a multitude of over 5000 people with just five loaves and two fishes.  After everyone had their fill the disciples collected twelve baskets of fragments that they could eat.  No one was hungry any longer.

You’d think this miracle, and others they had witnessed, would be enough to convince the twelve of who Jesus truly was.  That this would send them into a deeper revelation of Jesus and cause them to worship Jesus more authentically.  But it didn’t.

Truth is they all needed the experience of a troubled sea, while being in a boat that would go no where due to contrary winds and waves, and then seeing Jesus in a very different way.  When Jesus revealed Himself to them on that troubled sea they were first frightened but later they all worshipped Him saying, “Truly You are the Son of God.”

Seeing the integrity of Jesus according to His word while in the midst of hard and fearful circumstances that challenge that word is where a deeper revelation of Him and His trustworthiness opens up.  It is then that you cannot help but worship Him.  Worship in Spirit and in truth is not what the next fad worship team of popularity does for us.  It is what seeing Jesus in a way that defies the facts and fears of circumstances does for us when they position us to see Him revealed in a fresh way to our hearts.  Seeing Him as He really is.

Standing on the integrity of Jesus and His word to you is a place of profound fresh revelation that produces the fruit of worship like nothing else can.  I encourage you to ask the Holy Spirit for a fresh revelation of Jesus today, especially as you face your next challenge.  I promise you will not be disappointed.