Good News That Actually Is

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Some Things Just Are

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You know it’s interesting that even when it is cloudy somehow we know that the sun still rose and is shining above them. We simply trust that sun will rise each and every day and shine brightly with all of its glory. We even know that when night falls it is simply because the sun is shining on the other side of the world but we are certain it is still shining.

I know of no one that struggles with this reality because it is a known fact and it proves that some things just are. It says in the Bible in,

Isaiah 45:6 That they may know from the rising of the sun to its setting that there is none besides Me. I am the LORD, and there is no other;

God is always going to be who He has always been and is now. He never changes and He never has need to think He should. He is perfect in all of His ways. His wisdom supersedes all other wisdom known to man.

This great and mighty God, all powerful, all knowing, all wise, is Father to all who have come to faith in Christ Jesus! That means my friend that by your belonging to Jesus you are in relationship with the God who alone is God and although He is very great and mighty He has chosen to love you and be for you and to help you. Today whatever you may face you need to say to yourself, I belong to a very great God, a great big God, an all powerful God who loves me!

Tomorrow we will look at just how much He keeps His loving eyes on us to care for us and bring us into all He has for us. You will succeed when you turn to Him in faith and full assurance of His love. You’ll know there is nothing that can separate you from His love and that my friend is a very secure, shameless and powerful place to be. Have a great day and show someone the love of Jesus!