Good News That Actually Is

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Right Living

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Galatians 2:20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

As far as heaven is concerned when someone is in Christ, they really are in Christ.  His history becomes a part of their history.

For Scripture to say you are seated with Christ in the heavenly places is not figurative language.  It is very real because it is speaking in spiritual terms.

So here we have Paul saying to the Galatians that he was crucified with Christ.  By being placed in Christ His death on the cross becomes your death on the cross as well.  All that you are now and are meant to be spiritually speaking is swallowed up in Christ!

That is why Paul could say so boldly, “it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me.”  You see if we died with Christ then that means we were also raised in newness of life with Christ!

That means the life you now live in the flesh you are to live by faith in the Son of God, who loved you and gave Himself for you.  You are no different than Paul because Paul is not talking about any type of special apostolic privilege in this text.

Paul is speaking of a spiritual reality, a position that he now knows he inhabits in Christ and a reality that is his because Christ lives in him.  This is the real deal for every true believer in Christ!

Knowing this and believing it to be true so that it is embraced as who you are and what you are called to be is where your victory over the power of sin comes from.  This moves you away from being identified with your flesh and all it’s weakness.  It moves you to being identified with the truth about who you really are and where you really live your life from.

Once you get hold of this you are empowered to rise above the weaknesses of the flesh and live from a place of real faith in the finished work of Jesus.  In that place of living there is no more condemnation because it is life lived according to the Spirit.

You are not the sum of your fleshly weakness.  You are a heavenly being who has been placed in Christ and now Christ is living in you.  This is a truth well worth meditating on again and again.  I hope you will do so today, and always.