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Real Faith

Real Faith

In Genesis 15 of the Bible, we see that Abram believed in God, and God accredited this belief to him as righteousness.

Abram’s faith was not just ignited; it was a transformative force, a beacon of hope, when God revealed Himself to him in a vision as Abram’s shield and exceedingly great reward.

In that exchange, we find Abram’s faith in God regarding how God has declared Himself to be to Abram sparks the ability for Abram to bring a very important and pressing need to God.

Abram had no heir! Abram brought this very important matter up to God, who did what He is so good at. God tells Abram an heir will come from his own body; it will not be Eleiezer, your servant.

But God doesn’t stop at an heir with Abram.  God does what Paul described in Ephesians when he said; God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above and beyond anything we could ask or think.

God takes Abram outside his tent during the night and tells him to look up at the stars and see if he can number them.  Of course, we know there’s no way.  Then God tells Abram that will be what his descendants are like; they will outnumber the stars of the heavens.

At first, Abram’s imagination went as far as a single heir. God got involved because of the relationship and went way beyond Abram’s thoughts and imagination. But because Abram was in an exchange of relationship with God at that moment, he believed what God was showing him.

A real healthy relationship is filled with trust that is rooted in knowing the character of the party one is expected to trust.  Abram had come to know God in such a way that he was able to conclude that God would not lie to him.  He was able to even believe something outside the realm of what seemed possible in the natural so long as it was God saying it to him.

This very intimate and personal interaction with God is what fueled Abram’s faith in God.

Abram’s faith was not merely in what God said to him but in God himself.

Genesis 15:6   And he believed in the LORD, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.

Abram believed in the Lord!  This terminology, Lord, implies the handing over of one’s life purpose and future to someone greater.  Abram was aware of the greatness of God and that God’s character and nature were good.

After all, Abram started out being afraid until God said for him not to be.  After telling Abram not to be afraid, God revealed His intentions toward Abram.  I am your shield.  Protector!  And exceedingly great reward!  Father, Friend, and Provider!

My ability to believe in God for protection and provision is rooted in what I know to be true concerning His character and nature and the availability of fellowship he has made possible.  It is not rooted in things that I most desire that real faith is forged.  The more my faith is in Him based on my knowing Him, the more I am able to trust Him and seek Him with regard to my needs and allow Him to speak into them and expand my imagination and faith to go further and higher than I ever thought possible.  His desire will always be more than enough to meet my needs and beyond.  If anyone wants real faith, they should endeavor to get to know Him better and take Him at His word regarding His disposition towards us now that we are in Christ.  I know that he is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above and beyond anything I could ask or think, but I must also believe He desires to do just that if I am to posture myself to receive the good He desires to be and to bring into my life.  Real faith knows how to enjoy Him and rejoice in being brought into union with Him.  real faith knows Him!

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