Good News That Actually Is

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Pressing On

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Philippians 3:12  Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me.

Nostalgic glimpses of the past will never be on par with a fresh and glorious revelation of Jesus in your now.  An active relationship quickened and made alive by the Holy Spirit at work in you is what will propel you into what lies ahead.

It can be too easy to get stuck in the middle of your journey where you say to yourself, I knew I should never had set out to do this, or you say it’s way to far to go back, but way too hard to go forward, I just give up.  There’s no being stuck in this kind of scenario.

Giving up always results in going backwards because when you are rowing in your boat against the winds that are contrary to you, you may not be getting very far, but, at least you’re not going backwards.  If you stop rowing you will drift backwards, and off course from where you should be.

Be assured that in that difficult place where circumstances are much more real to you than whatever it was God spoke to get you started, Jesus is going to be there for you.

Jesus came to His disciples in the middle of the sea where they were rowing hard against the wind and waves to go where He had commanded them to go.  They had been at it a long time too, and no doubt feeling worn out.

He appeared to them walking on the water and they cried out for fear thinking it was a ghost. A person walking on water goes against all the known facts.  Jesus said the equivalent of, “Stop it” When He said, “do not be afraid , it is I.”  Only Peter got distracted enough to rise above the facts of the present circumstances to interact with Jesus and get out of that boat.  Peter responded, “if it is you Lord bid me come to you.”  Jesus simply replied, “Come.”

That boat represented the only safety there was on an angry sea and for Peter to step out in faith on a fresh word from Jesus saying, “come” was a big deal.  Peter was walking on the water too!  It wasn’t till Peter looked again to the facts of the circumstance that he began to sink.  But he cried out and Jesus helped him back to the boat and the wind and the waves stopped and everyone then had the revelation of who Jesus really was.  “Surely, You are the Son of God.”

Only then was progress made and the purpose they were given completed.  You see it is when you are actively and very relationally stepping out of your boat to join Jesus on those troubled waters that you become a partner with Him to provide a revelation moment for yourself, and others, as to Who He really is.  Press on my friend!  Your journey may be tough at the moment but when Jesus puts you back into your boat you, and others, will be moved to worship Him in an accurate, fresh, and living way!  You’re going to get to where He determined you should go.

Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;