Good News That Actually Is

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Open Doors

If I were to say I had been burglarized at my home and that the burglar was someone I knew and they came through the front door as if invited, you would be curious to know how it happened and why.

If I were to say they did it a second time, and this time they came through another door, and then you learned they knew which door to come through because I had made them aware in some way, you would likely tell me to quit doing things that invite them into my house to rob me.

If It happened a third time and you discovered I pretty much announced to them which access point they could use to gain access and that I am still calling them my friend as though they are for me and not against me, you would likely begin to question my powers of common sense and reason and wonder if I enjoy the attention of being robbed.

I know this sounds a bit absurd.  It is a metaphor for what takes place in many lives daily.  You see, the thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy.  He is at work against many and seeking those he “may” devour.

1 Peter 5:8   Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.

You see, our enemy needs our permission to be able to come in and steal, kill, or destroy.  He needs an open door into our lives to do his work.  Without that open door (invitation), he is held at bay in his desires and schemes.  They are ineffective against us.

But engaging in things that are out of step with who we are in Christ and His purposes and destiny is like an invitation to the enemy.  He is watching to see where we are doing our own thing in opposition to the Lord’s loving will and purpose.

Avoiding the will of God and ignoring His voice is like announcing where the door is open to the enemy.  He will seize every opportunity he can to take advantage of us.  His goal is to make us miserable so that we turn our backs on the Lord and His promises and claim it is too hard to walk with Jesus.

He wants us to believe that Jesus isn’t doing His part in some way and failing us.  But the truth is that Jesus is always faithful and willing.  Sometimes, though, we neglect to renew our way of thinking to align with Jesus, which interrupts our ability to hear Him clearly and causes us to miss out on His avenue of help.

Colossians 3:1 If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. 3 For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.

Seeking Him and those things that are above is like shutting and locking the doors to our souls and then activating the security system.  Ensuring that our souls esteem Christ, hold Him dear, and consider Him our highest priority is the best way to close doors.  If you are distracted by earthly things, temporary things, worldly things, then you will have open doors, and an announcement has gone out to the enemy of your soul to come on in.  I encourage you today to make sure you’ve closed the doors to your soul.

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