Good News That Actually Is

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Not Pretending

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Welcome to season twelve and a new day that brings with it new opportunities! It’s Thursday! My goal is to put a smile on your face today! Pay close attention to the end of the podcast session for an exciting opportunity.

When I was boy a new fad came out regarding bicycles. It was considered really cool to cut the front forks off a no good bike and then slip them onto the front forks of your own bike and make a chopper. Then we would get playing cards or balloons and attach them in a way that caused them to rake against the wheel spokes to make a sound like a motorcycle. It was a fun way of pretending and feeling cool.

Unlike pretending, when we are told certain things in Scripture regarding what we have received in the New Covenant by way of Christ obedience, they are real. It is not pretend. For instance it is not pretending when it says we have been seated with God in Christ in heavenly places. Born again believers are really there!

You become a heavenly citizen from another realm when you genuinely come to Jesus. The Scripture is not suggesting that you pretend this. It communicates this so that you and I can live as who we truly are now that we are in Christ and Christ is in us. Living in the new nature which is a walk according to the Spirit is not like riding make believe chopper bicycles.

You have received something so transformational in coming to Jesus you can’t be the same, you are no longer natural, you have become supernatural. You are now a brand new species as it were. You are no longer trapped in a natural sin natured existence. You are set free to be a temple for the Holy Spirit to dwell in. You are a host for the presence of God whether you realize it yet or not. This is not pretend or make believe, it is the real you! So enjoy Him each and every day and live aware of His presence abiding in you.

I would like to hear one of your stories in order to share it here. It needs to be vulnerable, humorous and definitely around 2 to 3 minutes tops. Email me at and we will set up how you can get it to me. If it is selected for sharing you will be notified as to when it will air. But for that to happen you will have to get it recorded and sent to me. Have a great day!