Good News That Actually Is

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New Life

My favorite Scripture of all time and a home base Scripture to me is,

2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.

This Scripture says something about who I am now that I belong to Christ and He lives in me.  My past is no more!  Who I used to be and all that history of bad stuff is no more!  All those bad decisions and choices are no more!  All the things that led me into that way of life are no more!

As a believer, I am a living testament to the truth of this Scripture. To deny this revelation is to risk returning to a life of ignorance and separation from the transformative power of Christ.

As a new creation, I am created in His image, and I am changed from glory to glory as I behold Him!

It is intended that my identity be swallowed up in Him and His great love for me.  I no longer have to go through life not knowing who I am and what I was created for.  I no longer have to live my life in ignorance of His will for me and void a purpose and significance.

Christ lives in me, which is my hope of glory!  He is my life, my joy, and my peace.  When I am aware of being hidden with God in Christ and enjoying my privilege of being a new creation in Christ, I am empowered to live contented and joyful.  I am at a place where I can hear Him speak to me, and I can know His will for me, and the thought of embracing it brings joy to my heart and soul.

As a New Creation in Jesus, I am given the revelation of His great love for me.  While I was still a sinner, Christ died for me, and this is evidence of the love of God for me and for all who inhabit this planet of ours.  The great love of God came in the person of Christ Jesus, and then Jesus laid down His life, surrendering Himself to die.  He embraced death on the cross, although He was innocent and without sin.

Jesus, the Only Begotten Son, who knew no sin, became sin for us that we might become sons of God in Him!  Being a New Creation is much more than just becoming a new species on this earth that is born from heaven.  It is becoming one of God’s many sons!  It is to be known as one greatly beloved by the Father!  It is to come under His love, which fills everything in His kingdom!  It is never to be alone again!

At eleven years of age, my earthly father committed suicide and left me and my mother and brothers alone on this earth.  It was a hollow feeling of abandonment to us.  But none of that matters since I became a new creation in Christ.  His story became my story.  He went through the pain of separation from His Father, so I will never again have such an experience.  That moment on the cross when the Father turned His face away and for the first time in all of eternity, Jesus was truly alone. Jesus went through that so that you and I would never again have to.

I am greatly loved, never abandoned, always cared for, and able now to live in the will and purpose He has for me, knowing that He will always know best and have my best in His heart and mind.  I get to live trusting Him with my life because only He is worthy of having the right to direct my steps.  New Life!  There’s nothing like it in all of this earth, and the world will never be able to copy it.  Enjoy it to the fullest!

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