New Covenant Gathering

Have you been born again?

Have you been baptized with the Holy Spirit?

Do you believe confidently that the Holy Spirit is always with you?

Then what could prohibit Him from blessing, equipping, encouraging, convicting, offering gifts, or moving supernaturally just as He pleases in your life?

As vessels, we are meant to carry Him and submit to Him; we are the only way He can be prohibited.  When we refuse to believe He is present, or we refuse to receive by faith whatever He wants to do in and through us, it limits what He wants to and would do.

As believers in Christ, we are the contact point for the Holy Spirit.  We are like an electrical wire “of sorts” that carries the flow of current that He is in His power.

Every gathering we engage in should be electrified with His presence because we all carry His presence into that gathering and come to it prepared to allow Him to flow through us to others.

Born-again, Spirit-filled believers can’t gather in Jesus’ name without the Holy Spirit being present.

Whether or not His presence is discernable is determined by the level of surrender and participation of each believer present.

If you expect to see the Holy Spirit active and tangible in a gathering, you should attend prepared to be surrendered to His will and eager to receive whatever He wishes to bring forth.  You should attend with expectation according to faith that He is real and appointed to be with you and others who are born again.

When that level of attitude and belief spreads through a fellowship, the Holy Spirit can accomplish much more than just the ordinary run-of-the-mill predictable Sunday gathering.

There is a contagious manifestation of power among those gathered with such expectations and attitudes.

The higher the level of faith and expectation at a gathering, the greater the work of the Spirit in the lives of those gathered.  We are meant to be catalysts for the work of the Spirit.  When we come in expectation with a heart of surrender to His desire, we affect the atmosphere we are part of and become a miracle looking for a place to happen.

I do not just want to attend; I want to be a part of and make a difference in how it turns out for all who come.  I want to partake and participate in authentic New Covenant Gathering.  I trust you do as well, so I encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity, especially since the day of Jesus’ return draws nearer.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Partakers - Through These


Hope Of Glory