Moved With Compassion

Last night after answering questions my wife had regarding some deep theological realities concerning God and His ways brought on by her reading of the Scriptures that day, I found myself quietly lying in bed contemplating the seriousness of reaching this generation for Christ.

As I lay there fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, a strong sense of overwhelming compassion came over me.  In my imagination, I saw all kinds of people from all walks of life, and regardless of how they appeared, I all of a sudden realized a sense of urgency in them needing to know who Jesus is and what He had done, and how that it was what they needed more than anything else in life.  They didn’t offend me with who they were or what they did; I was moved to tears in compassion for them.

One might think that my being a pastor and minister of the gospel would mean I would always be aware of such things in such a vivid manner.  But I am here to admit to you who will read this devotional that this was something different, which caught me a little off guard and surprised me.

Have you ever been surprised by God?  I mean, one of those moments where you thought you really knew that you knew Him in a particular area, and then suddenly He reveals Himself in a way to you at that moment that rattles you a bit but energizes you in your spirit?

As I lay there quietly, having Him rock my world, I stayed quiet so as not to bother my wife, who was trying to sleep beside me, and to avoid the moment from becoming an interaction about what was happening.  But in my heart, I was being overwhelmed with such a sense of urgency for this generation and even people I know whom I have witnessed the gospel to before.

Earlier in the evening, I sent out some thoughts that the Holy Spirit has been stirring in me lately via text. Thoughts I have been pouring over repeatedly due to the Holy Spirit’s stirring in me.  Jesus is coming soon, and many are not ready for His return.  The only way to push back on evil is to advance God’s righteousness, which is only available through faith in Jesus.

Matthew 9:36 But when He saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were weary and scattered, like sheep having no shepherd.

Mark 6:34 And Jesus, when He came out, saw a great multitude and was moved with compassion for them, because they were like sheep not having a shepherd. So He began to teach them many things.

This is the Jesus who is alive within me.  It is what drives me to share things with others meant to bring hope, encouragement, if applicable, correction, but most desired is that it opens the way to know Him and experience His life.  But I am being moved more and more in my concern for the lost of this generation.  Not that I had no concern at all, mind you.  But in light of who Jesus is and His compassion, I have plenty of room to grow.

I want to be an even better witness for Jesus moving even more in the power of the Spirit toward others from a place of profound compassion.  I guess my devotion today is to humble myself and ask those of you who receive these to pray for me in this regard and perhaps to consider these things in your own time before the Lord as they might pertain to you.  I am convinced that the solutions this generation so desperately needs can only be found in Jesus, and the need to advance His kingdom has never been greater.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

Jesus Is Coming!


Be A Light