New Discoveries

I still remember a field trip I was part of as a young boy in the fifth grade in South Florida. My class went to the coastline and waded through a tidal pool area with diverse species of sea life in it. It was like a nursery of sorts. I remember being amazed and feeling like I was discovering another world. I was fascinated, and it was my favorite field trip ever.

Discoveries have that kind of power. They can make you feel alive by opening your eyes to the wonders around you.

The kingdom of God is like that, but even better!  When living in step with the Holy Spirit, every day can be a new adventure with new discoveries. Not only does He reveal things concerning Jesus in fresh new ways, but He also leads us into doing things in fresh new ways.

The Christian life is anything but boring for those who live according to the Spirit rather than falling into the snare of business as usual. Business as usual functions as though all there is to know and discover has been done, and, as a result, all that is left is going through the motions.

Whenever I allow the Holy Spirit to be in charge of me and my day, new and exciting things open up, and I get fresh revelations on something I have read or considered many times before. New opportunities present themselves—opportunities to bless others and make a difference in someone else’s life.

It is exciting to be used by the Holy Spirit to encourage others in their journey in Christ! It feels more alive than when I make discoveries as I did in the fifth grade or as an adult on trips taken and things explored.  For me, nothing is more exciting or fun than being available to the Holy Spirit to be a difference-maker for the kingdom of God.

People get burned out on dead religion because it is stuck in a “business as usual rut.” They are attracted to authentic Christianity that is full of joy, on adventures with and encountering the surprises the Holy Spirit has in store.

The Holy Spirit has discoveries awaiting you and me today. All we need to do is ask Him to reveal where He is at work and join Him in what He is doing.  Be available and surrendered.

As a boy, my dad worked at the water plant, and whenever he would allow me to join him at his work, it felt so special to me. It was an adventure to join him at his work, and for him to allow me to do something he would usually do made me feel significant. His allowing me to partner with him in his purpose felt important and special to me.

We are invited into the partnering process with the Holy Spirit daily. It is not a just-on-Sunday occurrence for believers in Jesus. If the only time we are qualified to engage in spiritual life is on Sunday at church, all we have is religion. When we are alive spiritually, we cannot help but be who we are daily. That opens doors to adventures in the Spirit.

So, I encourage you today to ask the Holy Spirit what He is up to and to show you where and how you can join Him in what He is doing. You will not regret it!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

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