Loved And Part Of


Jeremiah 31:3 The LORD has appeared of old to me, saying:  “Yes, I have loved you with an everlasting love;  Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you.

There is power in what I believe and say regarding my belief and experience with God in Christ.  So I’d like to share my confession with you today.

Through the cross Jesus rescued me from being an enemy to God by allowing me to be identified with Him in His death signifying my old life was dead and gone.  My past is no longer able to haunt me or condemn because of Jesus.  “Old things have passed away.”

Jesus then allowed me to become identified with Him in His resurrection signifying that I had been given new life in Him.  “Behold all things have become new.”  Everything became brand new the day that I came to life in Christ.

In giving me new life Jesus declared me righteous with a righteousness that wasn't my own and I did not earn.  He gave me the very righteousness of God to forever settle the matter of who I am now, and to establish my place in the family of God.  God is now my Father, and I have a relationship with Him thanks to Jesus.

Because of this I can stand confident of His love, confident of His forgiveness, confident of my acceptance, and confident of the Father's love!  I know that I am a new man with a righteous, everlasting love and identity in Him.  I am a son now!  God is for me so who can be against me!  My access to God is not determined by my performance.  It has been forever settled by Christ’ performance on my behalf.  My place and position was not earned it is a gift and it is settled forever.

I am not a foster child or orphan hoping to earn my place in His family.  I am loved, accepted, affirmed and empowered by His Spirit living within me.  All glory and honor belongs to the Lamb who was slain!  All praise to Jesus!  He is my Savior and Lord!

If you’ve put your trust in Jesus this is your testimony as well!  You are not on the outside looking in.  You are loved just as I am or anyone else might be.  Your love guarantee is just the same because it is all made possible through Jesus alone.

So my encouragement to you is to live loved and part of the family today and always!

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

God’s Attentiveness

