Good News That Actually Is

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Love So Deep

Ephesians 3:19 to know the love of Christ which surpasses (Exceeds) knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.

There is a love so deep in Christ that it cannot be intellectually discovered.  It surpasses knowledge.  Science will never know what it is because it is not logical that His love could be so great.

The Greek word for knowledge used here is Gnosis meaning knowledge, science.

Because of the love of Christ, we can experience fullness.  But the fullness we are meant to experience is rooted in our knowing Christ’s love.

The Greek word translated into know here is Ginosko, meaning allow, be aware of, feel, perceive, be resolved, be sure, understand.

There is something so reel and so deep about the love of Christ that is meant to be experienced by us.  Something takes place when it is, and we become fully convinced and resolved of His love.

The experience of the fullness of God is something very special.  It is neither ordinary nor common.

The Greek word for filled here is pleroo meaning to cram, to furnish, satisfy, verify, accomplish, or make full.

In the actual Greek text, it reads this way.  That filled all God.

You and I are meant to be full of God.  This is made real to us by the person of the Holy Spirit.  But if we question the love of Christ, we will question His promise to baptize us with the Holy Spirit.  This baptism and companionship of the Holy Spirit is the experience of the fullness of God.

God is three persons but one God.  To know the Father through the Son Jesus Christ is an experience of only two-thirds of who God is.  To experience the fullness of God, the Holy Spirit is a vital part, and when the love of Christ is not resolved in the heart through faith as it should be, a person remains suspect of such a notion as being baptized and filled to overflowing with the Holy Spirit.

Being filled to overflowing with the person of the Holy Spirit is a tangible, unmistakable, and powerful experience.  It empowers us to be witnesses for Christ far more effectively than we might be on our own.

Jesus offers a deep love that transforms us and prepares us for what He promised to start with.  It sets us up to trust Him and to know His goodness at such a level that we can surrender to whatever He declares is good for us and what He desires for us.  I encourage you to know His love which surpasses knowledge, and if that doesn’t describe your experience yet, I plead with you to ask God to help you embrace it.

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