Lit Up


I have a motorcycle that was given to me as a gift from a good friend in Mississippi who heard from the Holy Spirit to give it to me.

I greatly enjoy that motorcycle but as we all know often people have difficulty seeing a motorcycle.

So, mine is really lit up both during the day and at night.  I wear a white helmet to help me be seen and I wear reflective and protective clothing as well.

I want to light things up so that it is easier to be seen and noticed and to add to my safety when riding.

Did you know that the same holds true spiritually?

There’s a lot of things I was never asked to participate in because people knew without a doubt I belong to Jesus and was and still am living my life for Him.

While others who professed to be Christian but did not live it out loud were being invited to participate in things no believer should I was never asked.  In fact, when the dirty jokes and course language would be occurring on a construction site I would be working on and I appeared all of a sudden much of it if not all of it would stop and guys would become civil.

They knew who I was and what I stood for.  I wasn’t condemning anyone to produce such a result.  It was just that they knew I love Jesus and as a result it often changed the environment when I showed up.

There will always be a rowdy sinner or two who will push the envelope on purpose and do their best to get at a believer or make it difficult on them.  But for the most part my experience has been that people do not behave the same when they know a real Jesus lover and follower is present.

This is what it means to let your light so shine.  Love on people with purpose by sharing the good news with them.  If they are meant to be a part of your life they will avoid you due to the conviction your life for Him brings into their conscience.  If God is looking to capture their hearts they will journey with you and likely become a good friend.

It’s really a win win.  Even when I was persecuted I praised God for it.  Jesus said blessed are you when men revile you and speak all manner of evil against you for His name sake.  I like to live my life lit up!  It’s better that way.  It’s way more exciting than being incognito.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.

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