Let Go Of Control

I remember the first time I drove a rental car with lane assist, but I didn’t know that it had it or how it worked. I was driving along and drifting towards the other lane, and the steering wheel just began bringing the car back on its own. I felt it, and it was strange to me.  I thought something was wrong and tried to fight it at first.  It was an insecure feeling for me to sense I was losing control.

It took me some time to get used to it. I suppose the same is true for most people when it comes to the sense of losing control. It can feel very insecure to sense that you have no control over something.  Handing over control of something may be one of the most difficult challenges for many.  I know it has many times greatly challenged me to let go os something and let someone else have control of it.

There’s something very vulnerable about letting go of control.  To let go of control requires trust.  Now I will admit that I have not reached the level of trust that would allow me to let a car drive me without a human driver.  There are such cars out there now.  They can take a person where they need to go with no human driver involved.  Technology has come that far but I am not that ready to trust it.  Just being honest here.

The real spiritual challenge involves letting go of control, as in thinking I can obtain or even maintain my own righteousness by observing the Law. Leaders also face this challenge when preaching a New Covenant Gospel because it means freedom at a much higher level than ever before, and it involves letting go of using the Law to try to control the saints.

Being in control is not all that it is made out to be.  It can be exhausting to attempt to control everything and other people.

Attempting to control oneself can be exhausting. We need to embrace the revelation of Christ in us the hope of glory!

There are all kinds of control tactics used on people and even ourselves.  Mixing law and grace is a spiritual form of control.  But true freedom will always only be ours in Christ.  True security, confidence, and peace can only be ours through Jesus Christ.

To experience it at higher levels, one must relinquish control and fully trust in Christ.  One must believe what the Scripture says, “God has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness in Christ.”

In Christ is everything that we could ever need.  He is the supply, and that is the good news of the gospel.  Jesus didn’t just kick off our salvation and leave the rest to us.  He completes it too!  In Him, we are complete.  But such a wonderful truth alludes to experience until we relinquish control of our own life and over others.

I am not called to be the Holy Spirit for myself or for anyone else.  I am called to be yielded to the Spirit and to walk according to the Spirit.  I have been given life abundantly in Jesus and now have ears to hear Him so I might know Him and find rest for my soul.  This promise is for all who belong to Jesus.  Let go of control, learn of Him, and you’ll find rest for your soul.

Tim Atchley

Husband to one wife for over three decades and still happily going.  Father to four grown children and grandfather to seven grandchildren.  Living daily in undeserved joy and unapologetic for possessing it.  Helping others find their joy on a daily basis.


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