Good News That Actually Is

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Kindness Made Easy

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As a young boy spending a few years in south Florida we lived in a very small town.  So I could ride my bike wherever I wished.  In town there was a five and dime store and they carried plastic army men and marbles for twenty five cents a bag.  For a dime you could get smaller bag of less appreciated marbles.

One day while on my way to the store to get one of those less appreciated bags of marbles I walked past a distinguished older black man wearing a nice white hat.  I remember being impressed by him for some reason I just couldn’t figure out.  He just seemed like the kind of guy you just wanted to get to know.  He was fumbling in his pocket as he walked and when he pulled out his hand I noticed he dropped some change.  I picked up the change and let me tall ya to me it was like finding a fortune.  Especially on my way to the five and dime store.  But before the man could turn the corner I ran and caught up with him. I said, “Mister you dropped this on the sidewalk back there.”  He looked at me and smiled real big and then said, “Son, here take this quarter and go buy yourself something at that five and dime place back there.  It’s not often I get to run into an honest young man like yourself.”  I nearly shouted, “Thank you Sir!”  Now whether or not that old man did that stunt on purpose to test me I do not know, but I sure liked that man a lot.  He was very friendly towards a young boy like myself.  I got myself a big bag of premium marbles with it too! In fact, my most favorite shooting marble I ever had came from that bag I bought that day.

I share that story because even if the man had not given me any reward for being kind I would have still been rewarded.  It felt good to return that money to the rightful owner.  Kindness rightly motivated is often its own reward.

When the live life you have doesn’t feel empty to you, because you know you are highly favor and blessed, your kindness flows from the abundance of your contentment.  It is kindness made easy.

When you belong to Jesus you have that type of abundance flowing in you every day because the Scripture says you are complete in Him.  You lack nothing!  You have been given everything in Christ!  Kindness is made easy for anyone who truly believes in Jesus.